Another Entity

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This time I got up and went outside after seeing that figure again in my room.. I closed the door behind me as I stepped out into the open and noticed a lot happening around the place.. I hid behind a rock as I noticed a HUGE spirit like thing tower over the house and begin wrecking havoc.. So this is what is scaring them.. "Aiden. We need to stop this.." I muttered as soon it found me and I ran for my life dodging everything it threw at me till it grabbed me "AIDEN! HELP!" I yelled as he managed to get it to release me and soon it vanished as Jay, Paul and Cory came running out to my aid. "We told you to stay in your room.." Paul sighed as he rested me in his arms. "You need to tell me now.. What WAS that?" I demanded. They then explained about this 'entity' attacking them.. "Maybe it can be stopped.." I suggested. "We wish we could but I don't think there is anyway to stop it." He sighed as we went back inside to sleep.

We went out and Jay asked if I would join him to check on the sheep. I agreed and decided to use the horses, give Ashkii some exercise "He really likes you" Jay smiled. "Yea and I like him too" I giggled as I petted Ashkii. We soon arrived and sat down. "So, I told you about me.. What can you tell me about you?" Jay asked. "Well.. Ever since I was born-" Jay stopped me "Sorry, one moment." He stood up and answered his phone. I sighed. I've always kept Aiden a secret for so long and I need to tell someone else about him.. Not just those homeless guys. "Paul called, there is a problem with the water. Gotta go fix it." He sighed. "Hey, I can do it." I got up. "You sure?" He asked. "Yea, trust me I'll do it." I smiled. "Well if you don't fix it in 20 minutes I'll come help you." He chuckled climbing onto his horse and riding away back to the house whiles I climbed onto Ashkii and rode to the place Paul said was broken. I got off Ashkii and looked up "Aiden, help me with this?" I asked as he got the wheel unstuck and it began turning again and producing water. I went to climb back onto Ashkii when I saw that strange figure I saw before..

Curiosity got the better of me as I approached it and it vanished but I noticed a door on the small hill. I entered and explored the place a bit, not finding much that would tell me of whats going on.. I exited and there were tents all around me on fire.. I was almost hit over by some kind of spirit but I dodged and soon it all vanished. I got back onto Ashkii, I noticed a cave with that figure standing there so I rode over there and decided to explore a little. I discovered more and more about this entity.. A vision Aiden helped me see allowed me to see that it was summoned by a ritual.. But I cannot see the entire ritual as I am missing a Talisman.. Aiden helped me see another vision which showed me that it was given to a baby wrapped in a blanket.. I got back to Ashkii and rode straight back to the house.. I was in shock.. The entity.. Ye'iitsoh.. It was attacking in broad daylight. I got off Ashkii and ran to Jay and Cory as Paul was injured on the ground.. "PAW!" Corey was yelling. As I ran over they began gathering everyone inside. Jay placed Paul on his bed.

Going inside I noticed Shimasani but I went into Paul's room first "Aiden.. Heal him as much as you can.." I muttered as he did as I asked.. "Aiden's done all he can.. The rest is up to you.." I sighed as I went to Shimasani and knelt down. "This blanket.. Was in my vision. The baby had it" I muttered. "Mother gave it to me.. Like her mother before.. And she gave me this.." She spoke.. She really spoke. She opened her hand and showed me the fifth Talisman.. The same one I saw in my visions. I took it and placed it in my hand with the rest so Aiden could show me the entire ritual. "Your ancestors summoned Ye'iitsoh.. Shimasani explained how they were lost and had hatred for the white men.. So they summoned it to fight the white men but it turned on them and killed them too. "Your ancestors are the guardians of this house right?" I asked. "They knew they were strong.." She told me. "So they returned to release us from the evil they released.." She added "If they brought it here.. There must be a way to make it go back to its own world.." I looked up at her as I stayed knelt down in front of her. "They used a ritual to open the passage." She told me. "I saw it in my vision.." I stood up. "Look, I'll prepare it but you'll need to help me with the incantation" I told her. "Hurry!" She replied as I ran outside and grabbed a stick as I drew the ritual and placed the Talismans in each place a person stood in the ritual. I then grabbed some wood and began making a fire "Madeline! Get inside! We have to! The storm is coming!" Jay yelled. "Trust me, I know what I'm doing." I told him.

"Leave her be Jay!" Shimasani called. "She can talk!?" Corey and Jay were both shocked and agreed to let me continue as I finished the Ritual. "Everyone stand on a Talisman!" I yelled as Corey, Jay and I stood on one. But we needed one more.. That is when I noticed Aiden take his place on it. "Thank you Aiden." I told him. "OK, Shimasani! Do it!" I told her as she began muttering the incantation. Spirits of the ancestors were also summoned as with Aiden and I's help we managed to banish Ye'iitsoh back into its world and save the family from anymore torment. I collapsed after the battle so Jay ran to my aid.. I sat up after hearing Corey yell in sadness.. Shimasani was dead but Paul made it out of his situation alive so we explained everything. Of course he thanked me and a funeral was prepared for Shimasani. We all rode horses to the place she is being buried. I rode Ashkii and brought her blanket which I placed with her. "You will be buried beside all your ancestors.." I spoke as she was buried and after mourning we returned home but I explored a bit more first discovering more about the place and its history..
I decided that I wanted to leave. I wanted to go back home where I came from as I miss it too much so Paul gave me the motorcycle I found and repaired. I hugged Paul and Cory before leaving "Ashkii is gonna be sad without you." Jay smiled as I looked at him. "One day I'll return.. I promise.." I smiled as I gave Jay a hug.. I got onto the bike and rode away.. I looked back one last time and noticed Shimasani's spirit between Jay and Corey.. She was still with them.. Even in death.. Family really does last forever..

Thanks for reading! See you in the next one! <3

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