Chapter 2

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AUTHORS NOTE: This chapter is dedicated to @Kaela617 for awesome book cover!! You should all go follow her and read her book cuz she is amazing and so is her book. Thanks

I dreamed of the ocean and I was in it, shouting my heart out. The water seemed to be tricking me, every time I reached the shore- toward my family, toward my house, towards my life it just pulled me right back in. Hard, tight and with every force it had. I should have fought it back, should of pushed with every ounce I had. It was the only way to escape from the water. I remeber my dad always said "a beast never to be tamed" then he'd smile at me "don't ya worry babe, I won't ever let the beast take you away." Strangely, as I was being pulled away from the shore, I suddently felt oddly safe, comforted even, as if the water itself was saying 'it's okay, you'll be alright. Everything's just gonna be fine.' Slowly, I stopped pushing, I stopped kicking too and just lay there in the water, letting it carry me across it, toward a thick fog, all the while whispering 'It gonna be just fine.'

I slowly lifted my eyelids and instantly wished they'd stayed shut, but it was too late. The light was being directed perfectly to my face and my eyelids couldn't laze back to their originally blackness, not to mention it felt like the light was burning them. I twisted my body up to hide from the light piercing my face. Were am I? Inside the tent probably, sure enough it was the square looking tent. I lay on a straw mat covered by a three blankets; two to cover the mat and one to cover me. Across from me lay another straw mat covered by another row of blankets. Also, inside the tent was a plastic box full of what looked to be textbooks and notebooks and two camping backpacks lay right next to the box. Were do they keep their clothes? I was answered when I carefully turned to the other side and saw a one small plastic box and one big plastic bag. I tried to remain silent, but when I moved to the other side, the straw mat made a few noises. I froze for a second but then realized they didn't hear me.Thank Goodnes! Then i realize I spoke too soon.

Whatever was under the blankets did hear me and it was not happy for being awoken. I sucked in a breath because from the corner from eye, I saw a mass under the blankets move in frustrated, funny ways. Whatever it was, it was angry and annoyed for not being able to get out. It was trying to escape from a corner under the blankets and on top of the corner lay a huge textbook too heavy for the little guy, person, thing - whatever it was- to get out of. So, I reached out one hand, still facing the other side and awkwardly removed the textbook.

The thing springed right out and jumped on me, covering half of my face. It started to scratch me and something heavy hit my stomach. "flump"

I guess it was the bizarreness of the past two days. Being kissed by the love of your life, only to have him leave you, or maybe waking up on a strange new place with a bulging headache, or maybe it was the boy holding h2o in his palm, withought it slipping through his fingers. Whatever my problem was, it was even worse with this freak of nature on top of me, so I did what any human in my situation would do.


" Sarafina , let go of the girls face" I heard one boy yell, I couldn't see him since the monster 'Sarafina ' was still covering my face! The boy grabbed hold of the things neck and clapped on some bone. Instantly, the thing let go of me and was being held in the boys hand.

"You got her, Andren?" another boy asked, his head poking into the tent. Andren, I presume , was holding something that looked sort of like an otter, beaver, and cat mixed, with long sleek fur off an otter, a body of a cat, and the tail of a beaver - though the ends curled in a bit, as if to form a frisbee shape. Also, it had no ears or if their was any, it was most likely hidden in the fur.

"Yup, got it right in my hand Styfen and uhh, sorry about Sarafina, but you should now slaters are very anxious around new people." Andren said.

I stared at him in disbelief and the other boy, Styfen I guess, closed his eyes as if to say 'idiot'.

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