Chapter 5

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So this is what transportation they use. Imagine a very sleek futeristic car with one long glass window ranging the whole top of the car. Now attach it with a giant, cylinder tube at the bottom with a wide platform around the tube that probably holds the tube attached to the ground.

" It nay not be much but this sure beats walking or even SIKEING from here to my place ."

I said nothing. I was to engaged at gawking at this T.O.P .

" Were going to ride in this?"

" Hey its not the best money can buy, but its the best my money can buy."

" No,no not that....." I trailed off again. What was with me.

Maybe because you should be grateful your not sleeping under the bridge or by some trashcan. My little brain said.

Hey for a girl who couldn't even think about maneging her own apartment I'm doing pretty good. I shot back.

Brain replied accordingly like a well oiled machine 

Be grateful

Cecil, not even awkwarded by my silence strode in toward the door and sat in. I copied her movements but less confidently.

The silence in the car was overwhelming. I kept kicking myself for not having the guts to speak, but the truth is I was cold, hungry, exhausted and trapped in a whole different world.

" Soooo care to tell me what continent your from?"  Cecil asked

That shot me from my trance imediantly. I stared at her almost like a subservient  dog. I wanted to tell her, i wnated to tell her everything, but even in a different world these people would react the same way. I knew that now .

I turned a way to make a face at that last encounter with Styfen and Andren

Cecil must of not noticed becuse she remained staring at the window. Eyes hardened.  Okay she did notice. I bended my head down again.

I dont know when I fell asleep, but when the cars gentle vibration stopped I awoke. It was still dark and someone was shaking me awake.

It was Cecil.

" Wake up sleepy. Could you help me grab my groceries and take 'em in the house . "

Dazed, I stood up while she bended down toward my seat. She poped the back seat cushions. Underneath was a flow of plastic, blue bags.

We had arrived at a sort of motel except it still looked like a hotel. With an elevator sticking out on the side. I wondered how people survived if their were afraid of heights.

" Try to grab as much as you can. I don't want to ride back down again."

We enterned the elevator and rode in silence.

What was wrong with me it was like my tongue was stuck to the roof of my mouth. Maybe I was just so gratefull that Cecil decided to take me in and not just leave me their sobbing myself  to a dirty jacket or maybe I was just so tired that my brain could not muscle up the muscle to move my tongue.  Just as well, my tongue had caused me enough trouble today.

The elevator did a ding and the door creakily opened reavealing a long green hallway. Everything was green from the  long, thin carpet to the dark green walls. The only other color was the white ceiling the and crown moldings all over the place. Around the window, on top of the ceiling, and shoe moldings too. I guess the white was suposed to make the green look glamorous, but with how adged the white was the hallway just looked......sad.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2014 ⏰

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