Chapter 2

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Ahhh!!!! My mom and I are waiting in line. My mom is like my best friend so of course I would take her!

After a while of waiting for Magcon they are finally ready.



I really hope I see some cute girls at Magcon!

"Ready?" Nash asks.

"Yep, lets go." I replied.



I finally see Magcon coming out. As I see Matthew I get butterflies. When Matthew had seen me, he whispered to Nash and Nash started bugging him. The boys signed my phone case and I finally got to Matt. I've been waiting for this for like, forever!

"Hi." Matt said shyly.

Usually Matthew is very energetic so I was kinda curious.

"Hey!" I say.

Nash takes my phone case and on the inside he puts Matt likes u!! Nash gives me back my phone case and gives me a cheesy smile.

"Oh umm" I didn't know what to do and I could feel my cheeks getting warm.

Matthew looks and smiles and me and gives a little chuckle. He signs my phone case, Call me maybe? and then he puts his number on my phone case. And we exchange numbers.

OMG. Did Matthew and I just really exchange numbers?

"Okay, I'll text you later! I'm in New Jersey for a week or two so maybe we can hang out?" I told Matt.

"Okay! That sounds like a plan!" Matthew smirks.



As Savannah walks away I yell at Nash for embarrassing me.


"What? You are never gonna get a girl like that if you don't say something! See since I told Savannah you like her, you guys exchanged numbers. If it wasn't for me you, two wouldn't be lovebirds."

"Whatever Nash." I turned towards my fans to sign more things. I'm actually glad Nash had said something or else I wouldn't be talking to.. wait what was her name? Did she even tell me? OH, duhh she put it in my contacts on my phone. I got out my phone and first thing that came up was her contact. OHHH, her name is Savannah. How do I forget so easily? I was gonna text her but I completely forgot that I was at a Meet and Greet. Woops, I better get signing then.



"Did Matthew Espinosa really put his number on your phone case?" my mom asked.

"YES OH MY GOSH!!!" I started fangirling to my mom.

"Okay Savannah that's enough now."

I could tell I was probably irritating my mom so much. I decided to text Matt. When I texted him and we had the longest conversation.



While I was texting Savannah I asked her if she wanted to come to Six Flags with me tomorrow. And she said yes! Honestly I really can't wait for tomorrow now.

"Why do you keep smiling at your phone?" Cameron asked.

"I'm not smiling" I replied.

"And you're starting to blush."

"No I'm not"

"Yes you are"

"No, I'm not"

"Whatever you say." Cameron winked and walked away.



Oh. my. gosh. I am going to Six Flags with the Matthew Espinosa. OH. MY. GOSH. Each time I think about it I freak out even more.

What am I going to wear? I start to freak out way more then I was 5 minutes ago, I grab my purse and I walk out the door. I need to find a new bathing suit and an outfit!


Authors Note!!

So how did you like it? I hope this chapter was a bit better! (: .

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