Chapter 4

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Authors Note !!


I'm going to be making up the rides names because I've never been to Six Flags, so obviously I don't know any of the rides there lol. So just bare with me(: .



Savannah was leaning on my shoulder asleep just until I screamed,


"AHH" Savannah screams at the top of her lungs.

I start laughing and Savannah shoves me, Savannah was practically shaking.

"That wasn't funny!" Savannah says.

"I'M SORRRYYYY." And I pull Savannah in for a big hug.

"Vannah, Matt, stop flirting and come on." Carter tells us.

"We weren't flirting." Matthew says.

"Vannah?" Savannah asks rubbing her eyes while following me outside the limo.

Carter looks at Savannah and says, "It's a cute nickname." and he looks at the ground.

I shove Carter a little bit, what the hell, was he trying to flirt with Savannah?

I turned to Savannah and put my arm around her and look at Carter, he looked pretty pissed.

"Oh," Savannah says blushing and looking at the ground.



Carter is pretty cute, I guess. But I like Matthew more, and Matt has the best sense of humour.

We went on the ride called "The Ride of Doom."

That rollercoaster was the scariest one out of all the ones I went on. I couldn't stop laughing because Matthew was screaming like a girl the whole time on every ride.

After we got off our last ride, I was really hungry and mostly dizzy. We went to go eat and we decided to get Pizza Hut and come back to the hotel.



I've really liked Savannah since the moment I set my eyes on her. She's so perfect in so many ways.

I couldn't stand seeing Matt and Savannah together and they weren't even dating. Maybe I should try to get to Vannah before Matt does.

"Vannah?" I say.


"I need to talk to you, outside the room." I tell Vannah, she gets up and walks with me outside.

Matt looked furious.

My palms were sweating. and Vannah just looked confused.



What could Carter possibly want with Savannah? She's mine. Only mine.



I was so confused and a little nervous.

What if Carter asked me out? Oh gosh. I hope not. As Carter and I both walk out, I shut the door behind us.

"Yes?" I ask Carter.

"Vannah.." Carter puts his hand behind his neck.


He cuts me off, "I really like you."

"Carter.. I like Matthew.. I'm so-"

Carter cuts me off and his lips crash into mine. I tried to push him away but he wouldn't stop.

I heard the door open and I seen Matt.

Carter stops and says "Shit." under his breath.

"WHAT THE HELL CARTER." Matthew was furious.

Carter looked at me like it was my fault,

"You kissed me! Don't try to put this on me." I yell at Carter.

"I just don't understand Savannah.. I thought we had something going on between us.." Matthew says as tears start to form in his eyes.

"Matthew.. Please, let me explain!" my voice gets a little raspy.

Matthew runs inside and shuts his door as I run inside and shut my door.



How could this all happen? I thought I was in love with Savannah.. It hurts knowing she kissed back..

It pisses me off even knowing that my own best friend Carter would do that..

I hope Savannah comes to the M&G tomorrow. I really need to talk to her.



This was horrible.. Should I go knock on their door and explain? Maybe tomorrow. I'm a mess at this point.

Their was a Meet and Greet at Magcon and I'm thinking about going to this one.


Authors Note !!

This one was probably short but how was it? I tried my best! Hope you like it (:.

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