Chapter 9

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*Pretend that Matthew and the boys live altogether in LA*



Savannah's POV

To: Matthew - Okay! Be there in a minute

From: Matthew - Okay, love youuu

To: Matthew - Love you too

Magcon is over, sadly. I was on my way to Matt's, he literally lives across the street. Just as I said I couldn't come over because I was tired, he said "all the boys missed me," which I think was some sort of lie just to get me over there because I seen all the boys yesterday. Matthew is just so adorable.

I finally got to the boys' house and answered the door. All the boys answered and say "Heeeeeyyy!" I swear the whole neighborhood probably heard them, they even startled me.

As I went through hugging all the boys, last but not least, Matthew. He had his hands in his pockets and he looked sorta nervous. He looks so cute when he's nervous, that's if he even is nervous.

I run up to Matt and hug him. It feels like forever since I seen him, but it was only since yesterday.

"Hey babe," Matthew mumbles into my neck.

"Hey!" I say and give him a kiss on the lips.

As we finally unattached, we went to go sit down.

"Savannah do you know if Cassie is coming? I really need to talk to her." Nash asks.

All I did was shrug and go on my phone.

That's right, something happened last week. But Cassie never told anyone.



Cassie's POV

Today was Valentines Day and I was so excited to go see Nash, I had a good feeling about today.

As I knock on the door, no one answers. As I knocked again, some girl with Nash's shirt on answers the door.

"Um, who are you?" she asks, awfully rudely.

"I'm Cassie, is Nash here?"

"Are you one of his little fans?" the girl asks, again.

"No, I'm not 'one of his little fans,' now would you stop asking me so many questions and please go get Nash for me." I tell her, shooing her away with my hand as she walks away.

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