New Plan.

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The doors opened in a flourish. Remelle floated in, scanning the crowd. Instantly she spotted Rowan and Aelin watching her from the side of the room.
She moved towards them and watched as Aelin punched Rowan in the arm as he laughed. Remelle bit back the urge to growl. How can he look so happy with that childish bore? He never laughed like that with her. She spotted what was undoubtedly Aelin's cousin, judging by his looks, talking animatedly with King Enda.
She needed to keep her head focused. Just as she was getting close enough to hear them she smirked and swerved towards the prince.
She did not look back at them.

She floated across the room, her eyes set on the prince. This was going to work. She was going to humiliate that bitch queen.
As she was getting closer she had to admit, the queens cousin was definitely not sore on the eyes. His shoulder length golden hair was pulled back on the top, most likely to keep it out of his eyes, but hung loose around his broad, muscled, shoulders. His large, strong hands gestured as he spoke. A smile lit up his face, a spark in his Ashryver eyes. He was incredibly handsome. A murky reflection of his father.
This was not going to be as horrible as she thought, her smirk turning into a wicked grin.
Both the males turned to her as she approached them and she swapped her grin for a pretty smile.
"Well hello there," she purred at them.
She watched Enda roll his eyes but Aedion just blinked at her for a moment, showing no emotion.
Then he smiled, "Hello, who might you be?"
They must have been too into their conversation to hear when she had been announced.
"I am Lady Remelle, and you are?" She held out her hand.
Aedion again blinked at her for a moment and looked down at her hand, still no discernible emotion on his face.
He took her hand and shook it, "I am Prince Aedion, Queen Aelin's cousin."
"It's nice to meet you Prince," she smiled prettily again and let go of his hand
The Prince's eyes flicked over to Enda and they shared a look she could not decipher.
"Yes, you too," he paused, "Remelle."
Another shared look.
"I am going to go mingle with my guests," the king said, glancing at prince Aedion with a strange smile.
Aedion raised his eyebrows at him.
"We will continue this conversation later, Aedion," he said as he began walking towards the crowd of people.
Aedion merely winked at him.
"So how was your travels, young prince?" She purred.
"My travels? Long and tiresome." He responded plainly.
"Oh well that's no good. Maybe you need some entertaining company next time," she suggested.
"Oh no, my cousin is entertaining enough," he smiled, his face softening slightly.
His smile turned into a grin, "Since you're from around here, is there anything for a young man, like myself, to do for fun?"
"There's quite a few things actually, I could show you some while you're here. Maybe take you on a tour. How does that sound?" She made her voice sound sweet, enticing. Suggestive.
His eyes flickered with an unidentifiable emotion as he seemed to pause and look around the room.
"I do get bored easily, so that might be good place to start."
"Brilliant," she said, grinning.

They talked like this for awhile until Aedion suggested he go get some refreshments.

Aedion walked towards the tables laid out with delicious foods and drink. He walked right towards his cousin and her mate.
Aelin grinned and waggled her eyebrows, "Hows Remelle?"
"Ugh," Aedion said, "I don't usually struggle with talking to people but talking to her is exhausting. She is so boring."
"Gods, I know right? How Rowan ever spent time with her is just unfathomable."
"Let's just say there wasn't ever much talking," Rowan growled.
Disgust was on all of their faces.
"I don't know if I can bare another moment with her," Aedion cringed.
Aelin chucked, "She is going to keep seeking you out."
"I know, I can feel it. Why?" Aedion said, pain lacing his voice, he whined, "She's planning something I know it. Like you said, she hates Demi-fae and she must know I am one."
"You're right," Rowan said, brows furrowing in thought.
They were all quiet for a moment, deep in thought.
Suddenly, Aedion's face broke into a wicked grin.
When he smiled like that it was understandable why they called him the wolf of the north.
And it was also hard not to return the smile.
"What are you planning now, cousin?" Aelin asked unable to hide her matching grin.
"You will see," he winked, "I have to find Lysandra quickly."
His eyes flicked around the room and he spotted her, hurrying off before they could say anymore.
The king and queen shared a look. Whatever he was planning, they knew for certain it would not be something to miss.

Lysandra was standing over by an almost hidden window, pointing to things in the distance and telling Evangeline about them.
Aedion rushed over and whispered in her ear, "Hey there beautiful."
Lysandra turned to him, "Hey there beautiful? Really?"
She raised her eyebrows but couldn't wipe away the grin that lit up her face at his presence.
"Yes really," he grinned back as Evangeline grabbed his hand and pulled him to the window.
"Look Aedion, look at all the water! It's so beautiful!"
"It is beautiful, you're right," he chuckled.
He tousled her hair, "I have to talk to Lys right now but how about after the party is over we go for an adventure."
"Oh hell yea!" Evangaline exclaimed, "I can't wait!"
"Me either Ev," he grinned.
Gods, he loved his family.
"So what is it then?" Lysandra crossed her arms and tilted her head.
"You know what I mentioned earlier about us having a little fun with Remelle, well, plans changed. I think she is trying to seduce me, I am not sure why yet but the why doesn't matter for my brand new plan..."
"Oh no..." Lysandra cut him off as she stared at him wide eyed.
"Oh no what?" Aedion froze.
Lysandra began to whisper conspiratorially, "You're not thinking..."
"Not thinking what?"
Lysandra gestured with her head pointedly.
It processed in Aedions head.
"Oh... oh. Oh no... no no no..."
"No threesomes with Remelle," She waggled her eyebrows.
Aedion made a gagging noise and clutched his throat, causing Lysandra to burst out laughing.
He started chuckling too, "God's no, Lys. But if you're into that there's many delicious looking people in this room."
He smirked at her and winked.
"And why would I want to share you with anyone?" She responded, stepping closer so her breasts pressed lightly against his chest.
He looked down at her, devouring her with his eyes, and growled softly, "That's a damn good point."
She laughed quietly, "What's this plan then?"
She stepped back only slightly but took his hand in hers.
He leaned forward and whispered it into her ear.
As she listened, a wicked grin spread across her face and she bit her lip.
She couldn't wait to see Remelle's face.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2018 ⏰

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