Chapter 1

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(Riley's pov)

Hello! My name's Riley Shaw (but everyone just calls me Shaw). I currently have a scholarship Edenham Boarding school for privelaged boys and girls in London, even though I am originally from Tehran in Iran, which is where my family is now. After all the perculiar happenings that have been taking place, I thought I should probably document it all - that's what they do in real investigations, right? I read some books where the character talks about what's going on and they give you all these details of what they are about to do and how. I think it's a bit stupid really, seeing as anyone could get they're hands on whatever book or device you are writing it in, so I have decided to hide this in under a loose floorboard in my dorm, and hopefully no one will find it.

7th January 2018 9:31

First class...

Still a little sleepy from my late awakening, I some how managed to crawl my way to my first class.

It was art unfortunately- not because I don't like art, but because the teacher is probably the most boring person you could meet. Miss Booker, is a very short woman, with short brown hair and continuously wears dirty, knitted clothing. She is the sort of person you would imagine going home to a small, messy studio apartment with lots of books and cats.

Opening the door to the room, I was assaulted by the loud chatter of various other year 8's. As it was our first day back from winter break, everyone was talking excitedly about what they got for Christmas and did over the holidays.

Slumping down next to my cousin, Leia, who also takes this class, I pulled out my sketchbook and waited for Miss Booker to arrive.

"Shaw," Leia nudges me," Did you hear what happened?" I shake my head, "Apparently Miss Booker didn't turn up for the in teacher day yesterday, or school today! No one has seen her since the last day of school in December!"

I frown in response, "She must be ill or something - I haven't heard anything about it so maybe she just called in sick last minute,"

Even though Miss Booker is a very boring person, she is terribly routine and has never missed a day as long as I've been at this school. I glance over at Carmen Parker, my best friend, across the table and she frowns as she has overheard this conversation.

For a while now, we have both been reading a lot of crime novels, about mysteries, spies and murder, so when anything unusual happens we take an interest. I make a mental note to look into this as a substitute teacher comes in and class begins.

A/n: there you go.
bye bye now.

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