Chapter 6

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10th January 20:52

The dorm was strangely silent after prep, and I don't think it was because the chatty Kelsey was still at toothbrushes. We were all still a little shocked at the earlier events of today and we still waiting for news from Alex, wondering what had happened after the police had came.

No one had seemed to have heard about any bodies or any police men all afternoon, and thanked my lucky stars as I settled on my bed. No rumours meant more investigation.

My train of thought was interupted by Kelsey bursting through the door. Her eyes were the wide they get when she hears some gossip that may be of some significance (it's usually not) and we all wondered what it was this time.

"Is it true, Shaw?" She asks me as I stare back at her, perplexed.

"Is what true, Kels?"

"Did you Father really get sued when his men stole a yaught?"

I couldn't stop myself from gasping a little, and I felt myself flaring up from anger or maybe even embarrassment. How did she know?

Sure, there are things about my Father that aren't entirely ethical, but I haven't told anyone about these matters, even Carmen. In fact, I don't think I know enough to give a detailed explanation of what my Father does, besides being an ambassador.

I'm glaring at Kelsey as I think all this, and the others a waiting expectantly.

"Who told you that?" I demand finally.

"All the third years at toothbrushes are talking about things like that, and its not just you. Apparently a first year claims her father is a millionare and she has all of her education is paid for for another 10 years, but is actually here on a scholarship and isn't going to uni!"

The rest of the dorm begin to squable about that, at the thought of someone getting a scholarship and lying about it.

"Well mine isn't true and neither is hers wither, probably," I pull the covers up and lie down, ending the conversation.


11th January 13:42

Walking into history the next day (ignoring the various mutterings about yaughts and my Father), I glance over at Alex, who isn't pale, but definitely not himself. I wondered what the police had asked him and I tapped out in morse code, using one of our keychain lasers Carmen had given us, What happened?
I'll explain later, he replied

I guess I would have to wait.

As the teacher began to talk about the Vietnam war (I've read about it too many times in the library at home) I began to doodle in the margin of my book. I found myself drawing a basic sketch of our woodland crime scene.

Doodling a various large blobs for trees,  the outline of Miss Bookers body and an X where the footprint was, I stared at it for a minute.

I remembered how she was followed from behind and shot from infront. A killer can't teleport, so how did they get infront of her? I drew a dotted line to represent the direction the bullet came from. Suddenly something clicked.

There were two killers! One chased Miss Booker, the other hid and then jumped out to shoot her. I felt a sudden pride at the fact that I had made a major break through - but why would two people commit a murder together?

Suddenly the bell went, and snatching up my jotter, I began to make my way to the games hall.


11th January 14:10

I glared at the girl, barley 5 inches from my face. Imogen Willis, looks exactly like any other girl in our year, with dark skin, short black hair tied back in a bun. But she is spoiled, you see, and even though I know full well my Family is much richer than hers, I don't flaunt it like her. She wears expensive heels, gold jewelery and continues too remind everyone of her worth and doesn't mind giving any attutide when she does.

Removed my hard glare from her face and looked down at our hokey sticks and the bright white ball between them. Suddenly the whistle went and our sticks clashed together. After a few seconds, her stick deliberately connected with my ankle and I tripped, yelling after her as she sped away with the ball. The rest of my team shouted after her, as I stood up, wiping the mud of my games skirt.

I had told the J.I.O about my discovery inbetween classes and we were now wondering what to do next. I began to run towards the ball again, and I saw Carmen begin to dribble it towards the... Wrong goal?

"PARKER! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I shouted, but it was too late and she hit it hard, and it skimmed the the other team's  goal post narrowly missing it. The small round object bounced deep into the woods and into leaves-

Of course! I made eye contact with Carmen, to let her know I had understood what she's doing. A ghost of a smile appeared on her face before she returned to Mrs Hawkings who was ordering her to go find it while they got a new one out of the bag.

"I'll go help her, Mrs!" I waved my stick and ran off into the woods after Carmen before she had a chance to object.

I caught Carmen up in seconds and squeezed her arm.

"Great work Parker! Leading us back to scene of the crime!"

"All we need to do now is a recreation-"

"Stop right there!" A voice boomed above us, and we looked up from our feet (we had been watching were we were treading, as we have bare legs). It was a large police officer, infront of our crime scene, which also had police tape surrounding it. I could have kicked myself - of course they would be preserving the evidence.

Quickly I put a smile on face and let go of Carmens arm.

"I say! You're a police man! What's going on here?!" I beamed up at him and his face immediately softened.

"It's nothing, Miss, just a small investigation. We think there might be some buried treasure around here," He lied, clearly underestimating our intelligence.

"Oh look, Riley!" Carmen exclaimed, using my first name to make us look more 'innocent', and she pointed vaguely into the crime scene, "Our hockey ball,"

I quickly caught on and practically bounced up and down, "Oh yes! Can we get it? It's only by those leaves, Officer," I gave him big puppy eyes.

"I suppose so," He gave in, and I smirked, "Just don't make a mess,"

I nearly scoffed. How can you make a mess in a forest?

He raised the tape for us, and we treaded further in until we were out earshot. Carmen picked up the hockey ball as I began to look around.

There was the tree that we found her by, the pile of leaves that had covered her and even a patch of mud that was matted down, where she had been lying. I plodded over, careful not to 'mess up anything' and I began to inspect the small bush, a few yards away from the tree.

"Carmen!" I hissed over to her, careful that the policeman didn't hear.

She stumbled over as I began to inspect the bush more.

"This must be where the shooter hid," Carmen remarked.

All of a sudden, a flash of blue caught my eye - some material was caught on the bush. I snatched off and examined it. It was bright blue knited wool with a small flower shaped button at the edge.

"It look like it's from a cardigan," Carmen said slowly, "...A womans cardigan,"

I grinned up at her, "Parker, I think we have found ourselves a very important clue,"

Two Truths, One Lie and a Murder.Where stories live. Discover now