Chapter 2

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7th January 2018 17:36

Sitting in our dorm room, I face Carmen, who is sitting on her bed opposite me. Our other dorm mates, Samantha (Sam) and Kelsey are also sitting on their beds. Our other friend, Alex has also managed to sneak into the girls house through our window, to join us for our meeting. Sam has her computer out, and she begins to type into an encrypted word document. Kelsey begins the meeting this time.

"Meeting 56 of the J.I.O, Junior Intelligence Organisation. Present is Shaw, Riley (Head), Parker, Carmen (Technologies officer), Tench, Samantha (secretary), Clarke, Kelsey (Autopsy doctor) and Parker, Alex (boys liaison)." She rattles away, and Sam quickly types it down.

All these titles must seem very silly, but we all go out and collect information, and we all also have different skill sets that are surprisingly suited to us, so I must explain them very quickly.

Carmen is very smart and takes everything from I.T to graphics classes to up her technology skills. She helps us with everything from supplying gadgets and setting up cameras to encrypting files and setting up passwords.

Sam is our secretary and she remember dates, documents things and writes down the details of our meetings.

Kelsey wants to a be an autopsy doctor, like her Mother and she has actually cut open a dead body before. She said there was a lot of blood. She also says if there is ever a murder, she will get her hands on the body somehow and do an examination (but because we haven't yet had a murder, she jsut makes sure we are all okay and healthy, and helps us when we are hurt). She is also very sweet and popular, with her dark brown hair and freckles, so she can get intel from nearly anyone.

Alex is from the boys dorm, but he is also Carmen's cousin so we trust him. He can help us get intel from the boys side of the school, which especially useful, seeing as we would be chased out of it if we were ever found in there.

Then there's me. I created the J.I.O, so I am technically the leader. I give orders, create plans and decide what to do next (with the others input as well of course). I also help with any code breaking or tricky math that we may meet in an investigation.

Kelsey carries on speaking.

"Date: 7th January 2018. Time: 17:36 Investigation: The disappearance of Miss Booker. What do we know so far?"

"Miss Booker didn't turn up to the first day of school, nor the teacher training day before," Carmen says, helpfully.

"We also know that all of her belongings are still in her classroom, so she hasn't packed up and left," Sam adds.

I nod, "That's true, her various ornaments where still on her desk, and those posters about artists she likes are still lined up on the back wall. She can't have gone far,"

"So, what is our first step in our investigation?" Alex asks me from by the window.

"We need to find out who saw her last, and from there we can work out who we need to follow, interview and look into,"

Sam after writing this all down looks up, "Imogen Willis's class had her last on the Friday before the holidays,"

I cringe a little. Imogen Willis is not a nice person.

"My friend Missy is in that class - I'll ask her about it at supper tonight," Kelsey decides, and we all nod in agreement.

"Meeting adjourned," I say as the supper bells goes and we all pack our stuff away while Alex slips back out the window and climbs down the drain pipe.

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