So which one is it?

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A/N I think you should read this when I'm done because I just couldn't seem to commit myself on update schedules. I'm sorry, but I hope you'll like this "no proof-read" chapter.

JULY 2018

It was almost 10 P.M. when you received a call, you can't even make the words your hearing with all the heavy breaths and tears. You didn't understand it at all, but it only took  her to say your name before you found yourself driving in a rush to the streets all to where she is. Your heart beating erratically against your skin as you keep talking to her on the phone. Repeating the same words over and over again.

"Papunta na ko, Jho. Wait for me."

And you could feel her nod with every word you say. Her breaths calming at every mile you take and when you saw her, she was sitting on the swing on the center of the park just where she told you she would be. With her head down, fingers wrapped on the thick chain and the only light was the lamp post standing near her, you get out of the car, taking small steps as quietly as you can- like you're afraid of accidentally breaking things, afraid you'll accidentally break her thoughts. You squat in front of her, and you see her face drenched in tears, puffy eyes and runny nose. You heart breaks at the sight of it, you're not used to this. You never kind of saw her this... weak.

You're not sure if she knows your there, so you reach out to touch her knees. And the little act of contact freezes her to fear, her eyes went wide and she was about to scream when you breathed these words to her.

"Hey. I'm here."

And you weren't able to see the relief in her eyes, or hear it in her breath because next thing you know is you're sitting on the ground with her straddling you, arms wrapped around you and her face pressed against your neck. You feel her tears streaming down against you skin, and her sobs rings on your ears and you break a little more for her.

"I'm here."

You move your hand against her hair, caressing her delicately in the palm of your hands as she breaks down in your arms at the center of an empty park at 11 P.M.

"I'm here."

You repeat the words over and over again because you felt the need of reminding her that she's not alone. Not on her aces, not on her best memories, not on nostalgic memories but also on her worst. She's not alone in her tears, in her weakest of forms, on her falls, she's not alone at the middle of the night crying for no said reason just yet. So you wait, just like you always do day by day. You wait for her.


"Yes Tita, she's with me. Okay lang po ba na sa amin nalang muna siya umuwi? ... Yes po, mag-iingat po ako sa pag-ddrive. Thank you po. Goodnight, Tita."

You end the call and when you looked back at your car, Jhoana was sitting on the passenger seat looking at you with warm eyes. You walk towards the driver's seat and starts the car.

"You okay?"

She nods at you, still no words coming from her mouth so you whisper and okay as you start to drive. Passing through empty roads with illuminating street lights and silent radio stations, you take a glimpse at her as she watches on her window, her hair flowing with the cool midnight wind. You take a turn out of the planned route and her head quickly whips towards you.

"Where are we going?"

"We'll buy some food. Long drive ahead." A smile breaking from your lips for the first words you hear from her.

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