Drizzle Rain

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December 2018 cont.,

I sent her another text message that would probably have no response yet again. I probably look stupid by now with the number of messages I sent to her and I feel extra stupid for actually saying sorry for enjoying myself last night.

"Do you actually think I did something wrong?" I huffed in frustration as I walk with the crowd who were probably into last minute Christmas shopping.

"No, I mean, that's from my perspective. But I'm not Jhoana, I can't really speak for her behalf."

"You were with her then."

"And? I don't know how her mind works, Bei. I wish I knew how but I don't. You're the bestfriend, how does her mind works anyway?"

"It's stupid. She.. Maddie, our friends, would always mention how jealous Jhoana gets when I get closer to- I don't know." I shake my head as I brush of that nonsense.

"To Thirdy?"

"To anyone, I guess."

"Sounds like your not allowed to have friends."

"No, it's not that. Perhaps just people who-"

"Attracted to you?" I looked at him and he smiles. "Thirdy likes you, Bei. When you tell me these things, I get to understand the relationship you have with Jho. I think she's just protective with you and she's expressing it by being a possessive-girlfriend type of bestfriend. Again, it's what I think, these are still not her thoughts nor her words. You two should talk."

"As you can see, that's what I'm trying to do." I groaned and was about to take my phone out of my pocket but his hand gently pushes it down. 

"I meant personally. You know where she lives, let's give her a visit and both of you fix this up before we go back to your house for the party, yeah?"

I nod. We were about to exit the mall when something caught my eye from a clothing store. I grabbed Nico's wrist and dragged him with me. Last minute Christmas shopping it is.


"You look like a mess." He chuckles as he watches me shake my hands inside my car that is parked right in front of Jhoana's house.

"Thanks." I roll my eyes that made him laugh even more.

"If I didn't know better, I would actually assume you two are in a relationship. Under na under ka ni Jho."

"Pwede ba Nico. Not helping." I hit his arm as I remove my seatbelt and reached out to the back of my car to get the paper bag of my simple gift. "You'll stay here?" He nods at me and pats my back before I get out of my car.

Why are you even nervous, Bea? You're just apologizing to her, regardless if you really did something wrong or not. Breathe in, breathe out. You'll be fine, it's just Jho. She's your bestfriend, she can't stay mad at you. JUST. FUCKING. CALM. DOWN!!! 

I was about to knock on the door when it opened. Tita Lovel greeted me with a gentle smile and opened her arms for me to hug, it didn't even take me a second to close the gap between us. "Merry Christmas po." She runs her hand on my hair, "Nasa kusina siya. Kanina pa nakasimangot. Pangitiin mo nga 'yun." She whispers before letting me go. I nod at her before heading towards the kitchen.

She was busy cutting vegetables and is slightly faced away from me but I can see the pout on her face. With her eyebrows meeting between her forehead, I know she's doing her best to concentrate but every now and then she would glance on her phone who was sitting on the counter beside her. This scene made me smile and lightens my heart a little bit. I took small quiet steps towards her, setting the paper bag on the table.

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