Think Peaceful Thoughts

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Ricky’s p.o.v

(A/N Ricky’s house still looks like Ricky’s house. And the picture is that of Ivory.)

I sat on the couch, music playing lightly in the background. There were two lamps on in the living room, but that was as much light as there was inside my house.

I like it dark in here, it makes it peaceful. I needed peace right now. Ever since I asked Ivory that stupid question, it has made me worried.

I worried that I would say something even more stupid and that would drive Ivory away from me.

I didn’t want that. When I asked her that question, the first time it just came out. The second time, I was getting mad, but not at her more at her ex.

Though she didn’t tell me herself, just by her actions when I complemented I could tell that he never really appreciated her.

I also needed peace because I was nervous about night; well I was just making myself nervous by over-thinking things.

Ever since last night when she said she would come over, I couldn’t keep my head straight.

When I was at the studio with Ryan and Chris I was barely paying attention to what they were doing. All I could think about was Ivory.

Her big beautiful eyes, the shape of her lips, her voice, they all made me was to bash my head into the wall because I knew I could be with her… just yet.

I didn’t want to be her ‘rebound’ and I also didn’t want to rush into a relationship with someone I just partially. Plus, I knew she wouldn’t be ready for a relationship, and I was fine with that.

I just needed to tell her that I actually do like her just so she knows and I wouldn’t leave her out in the dark.

Ugh, why does this have to be so hard? Was this even the right time to tell her? After what I asked her yesterday, I’m not quite sure when would the right time be.

Dexter’s soft purring on my lap made me snap back into reality. Luna was on my left side just sleeping away, just like Dexter. I picked up my phone from underneath Luna to check the time.

It was 6:51. Ivory would be here in no time, I hope. When I got home from the studio, I quickly took and shower and got ready for whatever you call this ‘dinner thingy’.

I put on black skinny jeans and a black shirt with a small v-neckline. It wasn’t anything fancy, but I didn’t look like a hobo so I’m guessing that that was a good thing.

Just as I turned my phone off, there was a knock on the door. It had to be Ivory. I removed Dexter from my lap and laid him down next to Luna as I got up and walked over to the door.

I unlocked it and slowly opened the door, rivaling the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Her dress looked lovely, especially with her in it. Her hair was down, just like when I first met her, gorgeous was that same day.

“Hi…Hi Ricky,” she said, making her lips turn into a sweet smile.

“Hey Ivory,” I blurted out, still admiring her beauty. “Come in,” I said stepping aside to let her inside my house.

She looked around the living room, her eyes landed on my two cats that lay on the couch.

“Aww they’re so cute,” she said walking over toward them and sat down right beside them.

That made me a little nervous, Dexter was really protective of Luna and him and really didn’t like people that he didn’t know touch him or Luna. He nearly scratched Balz when he first met him.

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