Perfection In Porcelain

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Ivory's p.o.v

*Sexual language and whatnot up ahead*

"Here, let me carry the duffle bag," I said and Ricky handed it to me.

We just got to Ricky's house, and I was helping him with his suitcases. He went headed of me to put the biggest suitcase at the front door.

I stood there while he went to go grab the last bag. When he returned, he pulled out his keys from his pocket to unlock the front door.

His house was slightly warm but nevertheless dark, with only a small dim light on that I turned on when I dropped Dexter and Luna off this morning.

We brought in his stuff and left it in the living room, off to the side. Dexter and Luna came running out when they heard the door close shut.

"Hey guys!" Ricky exclaimed and bent down to pet and love his adored litte critters.

"You guys smell like vanilla," he added when Dexter jumped into his arms.

"Robyn and I took them to the groomer to have their hair cut and nails clipped," I informed Ricky.

"Thank you and how was their behavior?" he asked like a dad.

"They were perfect little angels. I think Robyn wants to have a cat now, either that or she will take Dex and Luna away from you."

He laughed and shook his head, saying that no one was going to take his babies away from him, then he stood up from the ground.

"Are you hungry?" I asked when we moved from the front door to the living room.

"Nah, are you?" I nodded my head no.

He seat down on the end of the couch, and leaned forward the lamp to turn it on. Once he was settled, I walked over and sat down on his lap, swung my leg around so that they were on they were stretched out on the couch.

I felt Ricky's arm wrap around my waist to pull me closer to him. Taking me arm out that was pressing against his body, I draped it around his shoulder.

"I missed you," he said before he leaned his forehead against my body.

"I missed you too," I said before I tilted his chin up with my free hand so his eyes with looking directly at mine.

We didn't say anything, we didn't have to. The look in Ricky's eyes showed me what words could not.

This intense yet caring look in his eyes said enough. I didn't need to heard a word, nor did I need to say a word.

I am sure that I had the same look in my eyes that resembled how much I care about Ricky. How much I adore Ricky. How much I love Ricky...

I knew that deep in my heart that I do love Ricky. There was no doubt about it. The pain in my chest said that I loved him.

There this quote, I can't remember who said it but it goes something like this,

"it isn't the butterflies in your stomach that tells you that you love that person, it's the pain in your chest when you think about losing them."

Thinking of a life without Ricky is just impossible. I do love him and I know that it's not just puppy love.

I am in love with Ricky.

Just his presence can brighten my day. He's want I need. He's perfect. No one, especially not Logan, will ever make me feel this way.

I love Ricky...and I will always love him...

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