Your Surprise Awaits

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Ivory's p.o.v

After driving for what seemed like half an hour, we finally pulled up to a small little outlet mall. By the looks of it, it looked pretty old. There was an oddities store, a book store, a clothing store and a few more stores that didn’t look that important.

Ricky parked the car in front of the oddities store. We got out the car and we started to walk around. Ricky was awfully quiet. I think he just didn’t want to tell me what my ‘surprise’ is.

The whole way over here I begged him to tell me what the surprise was but he didn’t say a word. After a while I quit asking but I still wanted to know what my ‘surprise’ was and now that we’re here, what does this have to do with anything?

I thought we were going into the oddities store but we passed it, now we were walking a different direction. I’m so confused right now.

“Can you at least tell me where we’re going?” I pleaded.

He smiled at me and pointed to the building that we were heading to. It was an ice cream shop. Seriously?

“So, my surprise is ice cream?” He laughed again and shook his head no.

“It’s really good ice cream! But no, your surprise isn’t ice cream, but your surprise is here, it just awaits for our cue.”

I rolled my eyes and again to bite my bottom lip. What was my surprise?? All of the sudden, I looked at my hand which was holding Ricky’s hand, our fingers laced together.

Okay, that made me feel a little better, but I still want to know why we’re here. I was blushing as I held Ricky’s hand, but so was he. He let go of my hand when we got to the ice cream place so he could open the door for me.

It looked pretty nice from the inside. A young girl, probably about 18 years old with soft chocolate skin and black hair inside a beanie, was behind the counter.

“Hey Ricky!” she said with a smile.

“Hi Maya, Maya, I would like you to meet my girlfriend Ivory,” Ricky introduced.

Girlfriend? He thinks of me as his girlfriend? My cheeks are bright red right now.

“Hi Ivory, you’re very pretty,” she said which made me blushed even harder.

“Nice to meet you Maya,” I said.

“So, what can I get you two?” she asked. Ricky looked over to me and raised his eyebrows.

“Get anything you want,” he said.

I looked up at the menu that was on the wall and decided on what I wanted to get.

“Can I get a regular waffle cone with one scoop of butter pecan?”

“Of course, Ricky do you want the usual?” Maya asked and Ricky nodded yes at her question. She smiled before she turned around and started preparing our orders.

“I haven’t seen you in some time Ricky, how’s the album going?” Maya made small talk.

“Going great, I’ll make sure to give you a copy when it drops on September 16.”

“Ricky you’re too kind,” she said. After she was done with my order, she handed me the ice cream. I took a taste of it, and oh my sweet Satan, it was delicious.

“Oh my, this is amazing!” I exclaimed.

“Told you it was really good ice cream,” he laughed and so did Maya. I joined in the laughter. After a few minutes Maya handed Ricky his order and then ringed it up. Ricky paid for the ice cream, and left Maya a pretty generous tip.

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