Facing the truth isn't always bad

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Walking out into the lounge was probally the hardest thing I have ever done. And I have done a lot of hard things in my 15 years of life. I expected everyone to be staring at me when I walked out, but luckily no one was. Thank god.

Today was the day that my camp would be going to Waterworld, so I can probally avoid Quentin. Probally. It would be okay if I saw him, but eye contact, or anything more, would be unacceptable.

I arrived and went on some rides with friends. However, at one point there was a water slide we went on that was only 2 per raft, and there was five of us. I said I would go alone, and would catch up with everyone. I checked my phone for a unknown reason, then got in line. My sister Nicolette and 3 other friends (Jasmine, Anney, and Taylor) were a few people ahead of me. I didn't want to cut, so I told them I'd meet them at the bottom. When I was halfway up the long line, someone put a hand on my shoulder.

''Elanor Vivan Rafts, long time no see.'' Quentin said.

''Vivan is my sisters middle name.'' I said looking self consciencely. I was wearing a blue bando like bikini with a see-through white crocheted cover up. I was glad I was wearing the cover up, but felt weird being in a bikini in front of him. I felt weird being in front of him period.

''Shit I knew it was. Wait let me restart.'' He said running down about 11 steps. I was staring at him. He waved his hand and I turned back around. He put his hand on my sholder again.

''Elanor Piroska Rafts, long time no see. I sighed and looked at the ceiling again. Two more flights of stairs, with a slow moving line. Great.

''Sup.'' I replied sarcastically.

''I see you are a single rider. Therefore, to help out the community, I must join you.''

''Gee, thanks. But I'm already doing commiunity service in CJSF, and I don't think your girlfriend would like it soooo...''

''Girlfriend? Who?''

''Julisa slash Lesley.''

''What? I know you saw them huggig me, but I am very attractive. How could they resist?'' He said jessturing to himself. He was wearing a muscle tee and swim trunks. Very beach like.

I rolled my eyes. ''Sure you are.'' I said. You know its true. Shut up brain.

''And besides, everyone I'm woth is too chicken to go on, so I'm alone too. And bored.''

''Fine, you can go with me.'' OH MY GOD WHY DID I SAY THAT! Because you want to go with him. I'M SUPPOSED TO BE AVIODING HIM! Too late.

''Also I wanted to ask you sometime.''

''What? 'Cus if it's about that last day of school I'm so sorry about what I said.'' I said, and I acually was sorry.

''It is. Don't say anything, you'll mess up my speech. I wanted to say that I liked you too. All year I was trying to talk to you, and the olny time you would talk to me is when we would play Pole Vaulter or something. Or when you were watching a movie. So sorry if I always joined you but... ya. Now I'm not expecing you to say you like me back right now, because we can be friends. Acually, friends would be better.''

''Good speech, and I think friends is a good start. Because, you know, C moon!''

''I'm guessing thats a Beatles refence.''

''No it's a Paul McCartney song.''

''He was part of The Beatles.''

''I'm surprised you know that.'' I said laughing. He started laughing too.

We were at the top, and we both hopped in a raft. He sat in the back, with his legs crisscrossed. Thank god, it would be so awkward to have them at my hips. I didn't bother taking my cover-up off, and he didn't take his tank top off. I would have hated it if he did. He was good at reading me.

The employee pushed us down, and he smiled so big. I didn't scream, I never scream on rollor costers, I just smile and laugh. We landed in the water at the bottom, and I saw my sister first. She had that face where she was trying not to smile, her eyes were frowning, but she was smiling ever so slightly. I copied her face. She smiled bigger.

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