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" Yn, do you think this is a good idea?" Seijurou asked, a little worried. Yn nodded, holding her water gun to her chest. She had a determined look in her eyes as she rolled away from the tree and behind a bush. Seijurou followed right after. The two third graders had snuck off on a field trip to search for aliens. There was no point sitting around a campfire if all they were going to do was sing songs while the teacher played her guitar. But when Yn had whispered to Seijurou that the fire might have actually caught an alien's attention and lured them near to the camp, Seijurou just knew that he had to join her in searching for them before they got bored of the stupid music and left earth in their space ship.

They creeped quietly away from the camp and tried not to step on anything that might have made loud sounds. " Sh! I think I hear something!" Seijurou said, cupping his hand around his ear, and in the dark he saw Yn's eyes widen. " Yeah! Me too!" She said, grabbing his arm. " We have to be careful!" Hand in hand, they walked together towards whatever sound they heard. Half scared and half excited, Seijurou crouched low and pulled on Yn's sleeve. " If we crouch low, the aliens won't know we're here and they might just walk past."

Leaning against a tree, they sat and waited.

The night was dead silent and darker than ever. Trees blocked the starlight, but it couldn't stop at least a tiny bit from shining down and reflecting on their eyes as they waited for any form of life to come around. 

They had waited for quite a long time, because somehow the moon must have moved and now it shone perfectly through the crack between two trees and perfectly illuminated Yn's face. Seijurou lost focus on the aliens they were waiting for because he was staring at Yn's face. She looked terrible. There was dirt everywhere and her hair was a mess and there were leaves in her ponytail but Seijurou knew that she was still so pretty.

" What do you two think you're doing?" A stern voice called from behind. Yn screamed. Seijurou screamed too, grabbing her. The teacher stood over them with a flashlight. Seijurou looked back with squinty eyes because the light was so bright. The campfire was barely twenty feet away and he still saw the flames flickering between the bushes. " Uh..." Yn said, and she seemed to be at a loss for words. She had been so carried away in finding the aliens she had been caught off guard. She looked at Seijurou for help. 

" You're coming with me back to the campfire and then you can explain to me why you chose do such a dangerous thing." They were marched back to the campfire and soon Yn and Seijurou were standing guiltily in front of the teacher who looked even more terrified than them.

Seijurou thought and searched his brain for a good answer. All the other kids looked at him, some looked worried, and some were snickering. If he didn't think of an answer, quick, he might be sent home the next morning. " Well," He started, shrugging and looking straight at the teacher. " I really needed to poo..."

All the kids burst out laughing and the teacher cringed. She seemed unconvinced. Yn giggled. " No, it's not funny, what if you got lost?" But she couldn't help but let a small chuckle escape her lips. " I'll get alcohol wipes so you can wipe your hands." she said anyway. As she walked to the tent Yn laughed, leaning closer to the fire so everyone could hear. " He didn't wipe his bum either..." " Ewwwwww!" Seijurou looked mortified. " No! I-" But the teacher was coming back, so he just groaned and sat down, exhausted.

11 years later

Seijurou and Yn sat under the same tree, but this time they had stronger water guns and sunglasses, even though it was night. They gripped their water guns tightly and in Yn's left hand she held Sousuke's camera, because Seijurou forgot to bring his. Using the flashlight on Yn's phone, they watched around for any signs of life. Everyone else was sitting around the campfire and binge eating smores and blasting music out of bluetooth speakers but Yn and Seijurou decided that it might be a fun idea to see if they could find anything to prove that there were aliens.

" You still think something's out there?" Seijurou asked his girlfriend, who nodded and grinned. " What do you mean 'still'?" Yn asked, slightly offended. " Are you trying to hint that you don't believe in aliens anymore?" " No- I'm not! I'm just saying, we always go searching but we never find anyth-" " So you really do think that aliens don't exist! This is what betrayal feels like!" " Hey, Yn, I didn't mean that!" " Then what are you trying to prove by saying that we didn't find anything?"

Like always, the lively couple started to bicker and the argument went on and on.

" All our efforts have been wasted if you stop believing." Yn snapped, crossing her arms. " No! I still do! Can you not be this petty for once?" " What? So now I'm petty? Eleven years we've searched for aliens and now you're telling me you-" Seijurou grabbed Yn's arm. " Shh!" Grabbing her gun Yn was alert. They heard shuffling of feet through the leaves.

Seijurou had to admit, even though he sort of stopped believing that aliens existed, this sudden sound startled him and he was terrified. " Where's your flashlight?" Yn hissed at him and he fumbled around for Yn's phone in his pocket and turned on the flashlight function. He shined it around and the light directly landed on Rin pulling down his pants.

" What the-" Rin started and when he saw Yn and Seijurou both squatting under a tree his eyes narrowed. " What the heck are you two doing?" He asked, weirded out. " I heard people whispering. Why are you holding water guns? You haven't shot me yet so I'm guessing that they have another use? Why are you wearing sunglasses at night? Can you even see?" 

" Um can you pull your pants back up first?" Yn asked, and Rin rolled his eyes and put his pants back on. " I was just going to piss, and I do not want to get involved in whatever you were up to. But what were you two doing, and why were you two whispering so furiously?" Rin gestured to them.

Yn and Seijurou stood up, brushing dirt off their clothes and glancing at each other.

Seijurou grinned. " Nothing. Just took a shit. Gonna leave you in peace, then." He started to walk away, and Yn snickered as she whispered to Rin-

" He didn't get the chance to wipe his bum." 

who believes in aliens~

hope you enjoyed this story 

<3 grayscale

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