Chapter 1

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Jungkook POV

I was woken up to the sound of the announcement alarm. It's probably the announcement for the reaping. Those are my favourite days because I long for my name to be read out. I don't want to be here anymore. I have no place in this world.

"This is a district announcement. The reaping for the game of peace will begin in 2 days. A very lucky seven of you will be selected at random. Thank you, enjoy the rest of your day."

Only seven of us are picked. There are over 100 people in each district which means there is no chance in hell I will be chosen. I lift up my sleeve to reveal the scars that take away my pain of being here. I begin to tear up and wonder what I did to deserve the treatment from my Father. I'm terrified of him. He can be very violent sometimes. He is always drinking from as soon as he gets up in the morning till he goes to sleep at night, that is if he even goes to sleep. He's also hooked on drugs, which makes him even more violent. All of this attributes also don't help with his anger issues.

I was knocked out of my thoughts when I heard someone thud up the stairs and burst into my room. Once again he smelt of alcohol, I'm pretty sure he hasn't showered in weeks too. He couldn't walk in a straight line and he has knocked over multiple things in my room already. I grab my pillows and fling off my duvet running to the back off my room, putting the pillow in front of my head preparing myself for a beating. I can smell the alcohol emitting off him from the other side of the room.

I could feel my body tensing and shaking as he cane closer and close. I bent down preparing myself for a punch or a kick but all I heard was my wardrobe being thrown open and hangers being screamed along the metal railing. I saw him take out multiple clothes, putting them up to me and seeing what they look like. When he finally found one he liked he hung it on the curtain pole and said "You are wearing this to the reaping"

The outfit was horrible. It was a plum coloured jacket with a black shirt and grey trousers. I absolutely hated it. "I am not wearing that disgusting outfit!" The look I was shot made me buckle at my knees and I released a loud gulp. My father walked over to me and grabbed me by the collar and breathed heavily on me making me gag at the smell "You will wear that outfit or you won't need to go to the games to be dead" Honestly, you would think I want that but I don't want to be beaten to death.

Without thinking I darted towards the door to run away from here but the back of my top was grabbed and I was flung backwards against the wall. "You're just like your fucking mother Jungkook" From the other side of the room he launched a bottle at me just missing my head glass shattering everywhere. When he realised he had missed me he came over and grabbed my head and threw me down onto the glass shards giving me deep cuts in my hands. I could hear him laughing at me while I was on the floor writhing in pain. He has finally had enough of me and he turned and left the room slamming the door.

I stay on the floor quiet trying to listen if my father was gone. I was confident that he was gone when I heard the front door slam shut. I rest my hands on my face and feel tears welling up inside.

I don't hold back, tears stream down my face like there was no tomorrow. I open my eyes to see the damage to my hands, there were a few shards in both of my hands. I'm not supposed to but I decided to take them out myself. It was very painful and one shard was lodged so deep that it began to bleed a lot. I bandage my hands up with the hidden bandages in my room. I look in my drawer and see that my razor blade isn't in there. I search around desperately tying to find it.

I end up making the decision to go to Fathers room and find his knife blade. Not knowing when he was going to come back I pull my sleeve up and trace over my already scarred cuts, marking out my initials along with other lines. All I could focus on was the pain and that is what I wanted.

I run back upstairs and slam my door shut still crying. I just want to die. Nobody loves me. Nobody wants me and we have to die to keep our own peace. I've been feeling this way ever since I found out that my father killed my mother, he threatened to kill me if I told anyone, maybe I should tell someone seeing as I want to die anyway.

I have lost everyone and everything in my life. I've lost my loving, caring parents, or at least that's what I think they were. I've lost all my human rights thanks to having to live with my Father and the Government too, making us give up our lives.

But worst of all... I lost my best friend, well I say best friend... he was more like my boyfriend even thought we didn't kiss or anything. He was forced to move to district 11 when his family was out in a financial crisis. He left and I didn't know he did until he sent me a letter explaining what had happened. I remember crying for days knowing that I wouldn't be able to see him anymore. He was the only person I could talk to. To be honest, he's probably forgotten about me by now, I wouldn't be surprised if he's gone and found someone else. I still love him.


Please come back home...


1037 words

A/N: I hope you all enjoyed that chapter, I'm sorry it's quite a dark and depressing one but it'll all get better soon.

Thank you for reading this if you are and feel free to comment your thoughts and any suggestions you my have for later chapters!

Love you ❤️

Byeeeeeeeee! FIGHTING!!!!

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