Black Knights Deception Part 4

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Chapter 13.

Lady Marian reflected that, the October fair and tournament at Newark was extremely popular, coinciding as it did with the Saint Crispin day feast. This year the tournament would actually end on Saint Crispin's day, October 25th and the feast day banquet would signal and end to the weeks celebration. The journey to Newark had been uneventful; they had past many travellers on the way but had encountered no troubles. Sir Guy had arrived at Knighton early with a carriage and accompanied by Bess the girl he had engaged to be her maid. They were guests of Lord Edgecombe at Newark castle, a place well known to Sir Guy as this was where he had lived with Sir Roger, Marian wondered at his thoughts on returning here, to the scene of Sir Roger's death. She had studied his face but it betrayed no thoughts or emotions, she usually had no difficulties reading men's thoughts but Sir Guy was a master at hiding his and his face had remained inscrutable. They had dined with the other guests in the great hall and retired early after their long day travelling. Sir Guy accompanied her to her door before bidding her goodnight with a chaste kiss to her hand, which was at odds to the heat in his eyes.

They were wandering around the stalls; the traders had all taken time to display them well. Marian's attention however was not on the goods on offer but on the man at her side. How could he be seemingly unaware of the looks he was receiving? The women were making no secret of what they were doing. Their perusal of him was leisurely and gratuitous. Some were old enough to be his mother but age was no deterrent. He might be the devil's spawn; Marian considered this very likely however he was undeniably stunning. His height gave him an imposing presence, and the black leather that moulded his muscular legs, chest, and shoulders enhanced his stature. He WAS dangerous, and he LOOKED dangerous. How she wondered could eyes such an icy blue, smoulder like embers in the fire. That is what he was fire and ice. Bess, the servant he had provided had confided that all the women of Loxley considered him to be, 'hotter than a thousands suns.' The girl had been a pleasant surprise, initially shy and hesitant, until Marian had told her she longed for female conversation, then showing her true nature to be cheeky and talkative. Marian was also aware that once the woman had looked their fill they turned their attention to her. In direct contrast, the looks she received were filled with jealousy and venom.

They stopped in front of a stall selling jewellery and she was brought out of her musings by Sir Guy speaking to her.

"What is my Lady's opinion of this?" He was holding up a gold necklace.

Marian gasped at its beauty, the filigree work was so fine it resembled a spider's web covered in morning dew and hanging at its centre was a ruby pendent.

"It is beautiful Sir Guy." She held out her hand and took it from him her fingers lightly exploring the craftsmanship. This would look lovely with the crimson gown she was wearing at the St Crispin's day banquet but such a jewel would be expensive.

Sir Guy watched he could see how much Marian liked the necklace, her eyes sparkled and he lips were curved in wishful smile. If Bess was correct she had the perfect gown to wear it with and he was certain the ruby would look magnificent against her creamy skin.

She handed it him back and began to look at some of the other pieces on display. Sir Guy nodded at the man who placed the necklace in leather box. Marian was so absorbed in looking at the other items for sale that she did not see the transaction and it was not until Sir Guy placed the box in her hand that she realised what he had done.

"Oh, Sir Guy I cannot accept this," she protested.

He placed a finger to her lips to silence her words.

"Wear on St Crispin's Day, wear it for me." He lowered his mouth to her ear and continued in a whisper, for her alone to hear. "I wish to see it lying against the creamy soft swell of your breast Marian. Please allow me that pleasure." Heat blazed from his eyes. Marian felt herself blush at his bold impudence but she was unable to refuse his request and with trembling hands accepted the box.

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