Black Knight's Deception Part 5

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Chapter 19

The Goblet of wine was hurled against the window, the liquid pooling on the stone floor like spilt blood. Sir Guy had never seen Vasey so angry, not even Hood had upset him this badly. Sir Edward had led a vocal rebellion of the council of nobles, condemning the violence that the peasants were suffering; it was he said an act of treason one that King Richard would not condone. The Sheriff laughed it off.

"Richard is in the Holy Land he thinks more of God's war than his people," Vasey had sneered.

Guy thought that was an end to it but as the nobles left, Sir Edward whispered something to Vasey, Guy had watch the colour drain from his face. It had not taken long for the colour to return as rage had taken over.

"Gisborne get out! You are to be that man's kin, you should have chosen better, I won't tolerate the old fool's interfering, I will put an end to it." He picked up another Goblet and hurled it at Sir Guy. "I said get out!"

Guy left the Hall and headed after Lady Marian and Sir Edward.

"Sir Edward," he called, as he caught up with them. "I never thought you were a fool Sir, but what you did was both foolish and dangerous. You know the Sheriff is not a man to be crossed."

"Those men he hung were from Knighton village am I to stand and say nothing? You may be able to live with yourself Sir Guy, I cannot." Sir Edward turned away.

"What did you say to him as you left? What secrets do you know? Can you not see if you confide in me you would be safer." Guy spoke in earnest.

"Tell the Sheriff's right hand man! Sir Guy I don't think you would hurt Marian but you would also look after your own skin and I have no idea who you are loyal to. My information remains secret. You have chosen your path and I mine." Guy backed away as if he had been struck at Sir Edwards's words.

"Marian do not let your father return to Knighton Hall, I cannot guarantee his safety there." Guy grabbed Marian's arm.

"What care you for his safety or anybody else's Guy save your own." Guy flinched. "I have never been more proud of my father than I was today. He did something that I hope and pray you will do everyday, he defied the Sheriff." Marian tried to shrug free of Sir Guy's hold.

"Marian if he returns to Knighton he will be a dead man and his stand will mean nothing. You will be left mourning a brave, but stupid man. You need to convince him to stay in Nottingham."

"I won't ask him to be less than he is and I will not spend another night under the castle roof with that man, not even for you Guy." She shook his arm loose and hurried after her father.

"Merde." Guy watched until Marian was out of sight, before heading towards the guards quarters, where he sought out Macey.

"Watch Vasey like a hawk, anything unusual you find me do you understand? Especially if you suspect it involves Sir Edward Knighton or Marian. The training I have given you is now to be put in practice, he must not suspect you are spying for me."

"You can depend on me Sir Guy." The young Guard had thrived on the responsibility Guy had shown him.

It was with a great sense of unease that Sir Guy watched Sir Edward and Lady Marian leave for Knighton later that afternoon.


Even here at Knighton Marian could find no peace. They had been back two days and now as well as being in an emotional turmoil over Guy and Robin, she had the added worry of her father. Although she was loathed to admit it Sir Guy was right about the danger of crossing the Sheriff. Knighton was isolated, Marian was constantly alert and watchful. Having convinced her father to rest for an hour or two, Marian made her way to her room her intention to sleep as well. A figure lurking in the shadows made her halt in the door way.

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