Black Knights Deception part 7 final part

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Chapter 31.

Guy remained deep in thought throughout the ride to Loxley. His mind at first preoccupied with his fears for Gieanna. He prayed as he had, that day all those years ago, that she would live. Did she know that he was thinking of her? Did she know that he would move heaven and earth to save her. In his mind he told her repeatedly. How can he have been such a fool to leave her alone at the castle? Had he not suspected Vasey would cause trouble for Gieanna? He sighed his heart heavy, he had to put all these thoughts from his mind he had to concentrate on formulating a plan to free Gieanna. He glanced up, Lady Marian was riding along side Loxley both were as silent as he. He moved Cardinal forward to speak with Loxley.

"Your friend Much needs to go Nottingham, your other gang members need to delay going after the Sheriff's fortune, he needs to get them to Loxley. Bess should go with him and get a message to Macey he is needed at Loxley as well, he will have information about what the sheriff has planned for tomorrow. If I know Vasey killing Gieanna will be turned into theatrical performance." Robin looked at Gisborne.

"How do you do it, maintain that control over your emotions? Rationally making plans, when the woman you love is in such terrible danger?" he seemed unable to comprehend how Gisborne remained so deadly calm.

"Practice." Guy answered sharply.

Robin inclined his head as if puzzled by the answer and then nodded to Much to do as Gisborne asked.

Alan appeared at the Hall door followed by Thornton as they rode up to Loxley Manor.

"Well there's a sight I never expect to see. Robin of Loxley and Guy of Gisborne riding side by side." Alan quipped.

"Well commit it to memory as you'll likely not see it again." Guy spoke as he dismounted. "Thornton attend to my guests while I clean up. Others are expected later tonight make sure there is food for them."

He strode through the hall his long strides covering the distances to the stairs he took them two at time and made for his bed chamber. Only when he had closed the door firmly behind him did he allow his famous control to slip. Gieanna's night gown lay on the bed seeing it was his undoing. He sank down on the mattress and picked the gown up pressing it to his face. Her fragrance clung to it. Lilly of the Valley. He closed his eyes against the pain he felt in his heart and stomach. Hot tears squeezed out from under the closed lids, he sat weeping and rocking in silence. Surely he had not found her for God to take her again. So distressed was he that it was not until Mistress Haver's touched his arm that he realised he was not alone, she had brought hot water for him to wash

"Should I fetch some one Sir Guy?" She asked concerned

Guy took two deep calming breaths.

"How long have you been here?" Guy demanded.

"About five minutes Sir." the woman looked frightened, with Sir Guy you never knew what to expect.

Looking at the woman he realised she was scared. Lord when had he developed the ability to terrify woman and children with a single look.

"Mistress Havers I would appreciate it if you said nothing about this. I don't need anybody but a goblet of wine would be welcome. Today as you can imagine has not been a good one. Would you please fetch me one." Guy spoke quietly his voice weary and barely more than a whisper.

She dropped a curtsy and left the room but not before thinking that Sir Guy was lying both to her and himself if he believed he did not need anybody.

Robin stood in the great hall a visitor in his own home. Watching Thornton a trusted servant and friend doing another mans bidding. How had it come to this? Events of eight years ago had shaped the path his life had taken until it was as if he had no control over it at all. If he helped Gisborne rescue his wife would this somehow make amends and if so would he then gain some control. He felt as he was constantly doing someone else's bidding. Marian walked towards with a goblet of wine.

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