Chapter One

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Hey guys, so I’m a Directioner & have seen many 1D stories & decided to make one of my own. Hope you guys like it, please vote & comment on this chapter. Criticism welcome!


                                                                   Present day


"Order up.” The cook called out from the kitchen. I finished wiping the bench before walking over and grabbing the plate of bacon and eggs. Table 2, I read. I made my way over to the table where a mother and daughter sat talking animatedly. They both looked up as I approached. The young girl licked her lips.

"Yum.” She said as I put the plate down. “Thank you, mam’” I nodded in thanks and then went back behind the counter. I stared absentmindedly out of the window of the café. It was sunny out, the buzz of conversation filled the air. It was just after 1pm, my shift finished in two more hours. I stared blankly at nothing and remembered back to a couple of months ago. I’d gone to the One direction concert in Australia with a friend and had front row tickets. It’d been amazing. Especially since Niall Horan had practically serenaded me.

We’d gone to sound check beforehand and the whole time Niall had been watching me curiously with an almost awed gaze. My friend noticed it to but just said to roll with it. I got a bit self-conscious though because in every song he’d sing it whilst looking at me, and one time he came right to the front of the stage, our gazes locked and he sung their song “One thing” to me. When the concert ended and they were about to head off stage he looked back at me with one last longing gaze before disappearing.

I’d gone home in a state of awe, what had happened? Why had he looked at me that way? Did I look funny or something? My friend was as confused as me, but a couple of days later on the radio we heard one of the hosts say that Niall Horan saw a girl at a concert and showed expressed interest in her and now he was on the hunt to find the girl. My heart had nearly stopped at that point, I’d turned off the radio and immediately started hyperventilating. Niall Horan liked me? And he was trying to find me? That was insane, I’d thought. Why would he want someone like me? I’m a nobody. My parents are divorced. I went to a public school, I worked at a café, I wasn’t rich, my hair was a wavy brown that reached just past my shoulders, I had hazel eyes with a pale complexion, I had a medium build, basically I was just an average 17 year old school girl. I wasn’t worthy of dating a pop star. But I couldn’t get the way he looked at me out of my head.

Last week I’d heard an interview where the interviewer asked if he was still on the hunt for the girl from the concert. Aka me. And he’d replied, “Yes. I’m determined to find her, and once I have, I’ll make her mine.” I’m sure any normal girl would get in contact with him immediately, but I couldn’t. We weren’t right for each other, well, more like, I wasn’t right for him. I’d had a troubled past, he deserved better, I wouldn’t let myself get in contact with him, I just couldn’t. He’d soon forget about me anyway, he had millions of adoring fans, I was just another girl in the crowd. Except he’d noticed you. A voice in my head whispered.

I remembered his hand point directly at me when he sang ‘one thing’ I’d blushed slightly, averting my gaze briefly. He’d noticed my blush and that cheeky grin of his lit up his face, and he chuckled. A few Jealous Directioners shot daggers at me, others congratulated me at being noticed. It was hard for me to concentrate after that and I’d-

"Daydreaming again Atlanta?” my co-worker teased as she stopped to stand next to me on her way back from wiping tables. I snapped out of my blank stare.

"Huh? Oh, yeah.” I said and she chuckled. “What were you thinking about this time, hmm?” my mind wondered back to thoughts of Niall and my cheeks burned a light shade of pink. “Ahh, him again ey?” I nodded sheepishly. “I don’t understand you Atlanta. If that Harry styles boy was coming after me like Niall is you I’d be on the first flight over to the UK with a big sign saying ‘I’m your girl Hazza’ but you? No. You don’t want Niall to find you, I can’t understand why.” She looked over at me deep in thought and I sighed, wiping some crumbs off the front counter.

“I’ve told you before, I’m not good enough for him. Once he knows more about me he’ll regret ever looking for me. I’m just a-” suddenly the door to the café swung open and a well-built man in a suit walked in followed by a boy with Canvas Shoes, jeans, a simple tee, black sunglasses and a cap. I couldn’t make out who it was but they stopped right in front of the counter facing me. The boy looked at me and the corner of his lips turned up into a small grin. He reached up and took his glasses off slowly and my co-worker and I both gasped.

“Hi.” He said in a thick Irish accent that made me weak at the knees. I tried to say hi back but I couldn’t speak, he continued. “I’m Niall Horan, and you’re the girl I’ve been looking for.”


So guys what did you think? Like it? Love it? Hate it? Please comment and tell me your thoughts, I’d love to hear back from you. Please also vote and share my story if you want to see more. Also follow me on twitter @chantie95xo  and tumblr; niallsaussieprincess

Love you xo

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