Chapter Two

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Hey guys, so this is in Nialls point of view and it's set 2 months before Niall finds Atlanta in the cafe. Please make sure to vote, fan and comment on my story. If you have twitter please follow me; @Chantie95xo and my tumblr is; Thank you :) Xx


                                                                     Chapter Two


*2 months earlier*


“Boys focus!” our chorographer shouted from down in the pits of the massive stadium. The boys and I snapped out of our playful banter and turned our attention back to him.

“In less than 24 hours this stadium will be full of screaming girls who are here to be entertained, if you don’t get this choreography perfected before then, you’ll look like a bunch of untamed penguins flailing about.” The boys and I chuckled at the last part, but our choreographer wasn’t in the mood for mucking around. Our laughter soon dried up.

"Now run through the steps again. Liam, I want you to come right up to the front of the stage for your solo, Harry and Zayn you two need to stand two feet behind him on opposite sides, then Niall and Louis you’ll stand behind Harry and Zayn forming an outward arrow shape.” He paused to take a breath. “Okay, everyone good?” he asked. Each of us nodded. “Good. Now get into position. Charlotte! Cue the music.” The lads and I quickly shuffled into position as the music started playing. Liam stood at the very front of the stage looking out into the rows of empty seats. Then it was his cue to start singing.

I've tried playing it cool,

But when I'm looking at you,

I can’t ever be brave,

'Cause you make my heart race.

Harry quickly switched places with Liam and began to sing his solo.

Shot me out of the sky

You're my kryptonite

You keep making me weak

Yeah, frozen and can't breathe

Then it was Zayn’s turn to switch places and start singing.

Something’s gotta give now

'Cause I’m dying just to make you see

That I need you here with me now

'Cause you've got that one thing

Then we got to the chorus and broke formation to all stand beside one another and move to the beat of the song, which mainly involved us jumping and dancing like idiots around the stage, waving and giving the crowd big smiles, plus winking at fans here and there.

So get out, get out, get out of my head

And fall into my arms instead

I don't, I don't, don't know what it is

But I need that one thing

And you've got that one thing

Then I filled my lungs with air, and moved to the centre of the stage.

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