Chapter Three

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Hey everyone, sorry it took a while to put this chapter up. The questions asked to the boys in this chapter are real questions and answers! Please comment, vote & fan my work. Follow @Chantie95xo if you have twitter & follow NiallsAussiePrincess if you’re on Tumblr. Love ya Xo


                                                                    Chapter Three

                                                                             Sound Check


 “Are you ready to see One Direction?” the crowd warmer asked.

“Yes!” the sound check party shouted.

“I can’t here you. I said are you ready to see ONE DIRECTION!”

“YES!” They screamed, loud with excitement. The boys and I were backstage with pre-show nervousness. I couldn’t keep still. I was tapping my feet and biting my nails. Even though I’d performed many times and this was only the sound check party with no more than 100 people, I still got nervous- we all did. It was a good warm up to the actual show though. We always got to have a laugh and interact with the fans close up at sound check.

The fans also asked loads of questions, some sexual, others personal and some just plain weird. I was always asked what I’d just eaten, Louis & Liam got questions about Eleanor & Danielle, their girlfriends, and harry got a lot of girls asking him to marry them or to crack a smouldering smile. We all laughed at that.

Management told us to act civil and not to act to rowdy but we were 5 teenage lads, of course we weren’t going to act civil. We’d play songs, jump around on stage, play jokes on each other and muck around with the instruments the band used. We wanted to make it as fun as possible for the crowd, especially as the sound check tickets were $400 a piece. I was forever greatful anyone would spend that much money to see me and the lads.

I looked over at Louis and Zayn who were having a pretend punch on, Harry joined in and Louis knocked Harry pretty hard on the shoulder. Louis froze.

“Crap, sorry Harry!” Harry pouted and Louis went over and hugged him, earning a playful punch from harry when Louis turned back around. Liam and I chuckled, shaking our heads in amusement. Louis turned back around and ruffled Harry’s hair which earnt him an annoyed look from our hair stylist who immediately shoed Louis away and fixed Harrys hair. Harry grinned and as soon as the hair stylist finished fixing his hair and had walked away Harry did his signature head shake and put his hair back into place.

“I saw that harry!” our hair stylist called from around the corner. We all laughed. A buzz filled the air and crew members handed us microphones, the stylists were swarming around us perfecting the final touches by moving our hair into place or pulling at our shirts a little. In 30 seconds we were ready and we heard excited screams from the crowd.

“You all ready boys?” a crew member asked. We all nodded. He gave the signal and a shot of adrenaline ran through me. This was it. Time to smash it.

“Here they come!” the crowd warmer shouted. The girls screams got louder, the lads and I looked at each other and nodded before bolting out onto the stage.


I didn’t see her at first. She was in the second row to the left side of the stage. She had a long wave of Blonde hair similar to Blake Lively who played Serena in Gossip Girl. Her blue eyes stared into mine with curiosity and wonder, her lashes had a thick coat of Mascara that looked bold against her pale complexion, she took my breath away. I found myself drawn to her that while we were singing a warm up song I accidently knocked into Liam. A few fans chuckled whilst the girls friend whispered in her ear giggling.

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