chapter 4

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Ever since Naruto came back from his journey, it’s been pretty loud, but I don’t mind. It keeps my mind off things that I’d rather just forget. I lounge around my apartment, trying to find something to do on my day off. I decided to clean up, only took me 2 hours to finish and its only 10am. Ugh what am I supposed to do today? I just sat on my couch bored as hell, then my mind started wandering about what Madera-san is doing. Wait? Why should I care? Then I heard a knock on the door. Ugh I don’t even want to get up. 

Knock, knock, knock, “Sakura-Chan! Hey open up! I know you’re in there, Tsunade said you have the day off!” I already knew who it was without even opening the door. I sighed as I got up, “I’m coming baka!” I opened the door and just stared at a grinning Naruto. “What’s up Naruto? Can’t you tell I’m trying to enjoy my day off with no one to interrupt me?” I just kept a blank face.

“Well you see I finished up with what Tsunade needed me to do so I’d figure we can hang out and have some fun or maybe go training?” I don’t see how he can smile for so long at one time. I sighed again. “Sure, why not, let’s go get some training done. I’d like to see what you learned since you left the village.”  

“Sure, thing Sakura-Chan!” He said as he grabbed my arm and dragged me to the training ground.

As we got to the training ground we pretty much started immediately. I punched the ground and the ground formed into rubble. I looked up at Naruto and his face looked scared like he regretted asking me to train with him. “Ah Sakura-Chan! Since when did you get this strong?!” Still freaked out. 

I just smirked at him, “You’re not the only one to be trained by one of the Legendary Sannin. Lady Tsunade trained me every day for the past 3 years just like you with Jirairya. I was tired of always being left behind because I was weak and useless, but now, I’m stronger than ever and I’m also a medical ninja.” I said looking at Naruto who just looked kinda sad for some reason.

He looked up at me and smiled, “Sorry Sakura-Chan I thought I was protecting you back then. I didn’t realize how much it hurt you.” He came up and gave me a big hug. “Now let’s get back to training, at least you can heal me if you break all my ribs, hahahahaha.” He just kept on laughing and made some shadow clones, “Now time to get down to business” With that being said I decided to come up with a strategy. As I was thinking he was forming a rasengan and started charging at me. I smirked as he got near, I jumped at the last second and punched him into the ground. “OOOUUCCHHHH Sakura-Chan that hurt!” He said as he got up rubbing his back. 

“I didn’t even put that much force into that punch.” I said as I tried not to laugh. I ran towards him and kicked, but he jumped away and then came at me with a kunai, I grabbed one out of my pouch and blocked his attack. “Ain’t no way I’m gonna get hit again with those fists or feet again!” he said again as his shadow clone was making another rasengan while we were locked with our kunai. I ducked as he threw his rasengan at me and tripped him. His rasengan hit the ground and made a big hole in the ground. 

“You really think I’m gonna get hit with that strong jutsu?” I said as I was about to punch him, but he rolled away at the last second. As he rolled he grabbed my leg and made me fall to the ground and he rolled on top of me and had a kunai to my neck. We were both out of breath, “Hehehe looks like I win Sakura-Chan!” As he got up off of me and went to help me up.

“Yea I guess you do win.” I said as I grabbed his arm to get up. “You just got lucky though, or else I would’ve kicked your ass!” I said as I was punching the air. 

“If you would’ve gotten me with one of those kicks or kicks, I would’ve lost for sure! I’m really impressed at how strong you’ve gotten Sakura-Chan!” He said as he gave me a hug.

“Thanks Naruto-Chan! Now let me heal your back, I’m sure it hurts.” I said with a smirk. He laughed, “it hurts a little, but I’m sure I’ll feel it in the morning.” He said as he turned his back towards me to heal. It took me about five minutes and I was done. “Let’s hang out again soon Sakura-Chan.”

“Sure, that sounds fun Naruto-Chan! I said as he ran off, probably to the ramen shop I thought and started to giggle. “Well I guess I should just go home and be bored again.” I sighed. Just as I was walking down the path I heard some noises come from behind me. I quickly turned around ready to punch some idiot in the face, but no one was there, I looked on the ground and it was only a bunny. I sighed again, “Sorry little bunny, thought you were an enemy.” I just giggled and went to try and pet it. 

“Well isn’t that the most adorable thing ever? Hahahahaha” I stood straight up and turned around and the little bunny got scared and hopped off into the woods. I sighed, “What are you doing? Stalking me now?” I said as I glared at him and have a kunai out. He just laughed again. 

“No, I just so happened to be in the area when I heard a fight going on and went check it out. Didn’t expect it to be you and I watched the match.” He said with a duhhh look on his face. “Gotta give it to you though, that punch of yours is something else. I wouldn’t want to get hit by you” He said as he started laughing. 

I just smirked, “Now you know not to mess with me.” I said as I put the kunai away. “Anyways, aren’t you scared someone might see you and report you to the Hokage?” I thought about it for a second, “Wait I’ll get in trouble for not reporting you!” I got pissed off. Then I thought to myself, I can’t let him get caught, especially if it means the future might be a better place if he decides to put his vengeance behind him. I sighed again, “Come on let’s just go to your cabin before someone see’s you.” I said as he smirked. I can’t bring him to his cabin, dont want anyone popping up.

We got to his cabin as we walked into the living room I just sat down, still exhausted, “Do you want some tea?” He asked as he walked into the kitchen. “Sure, that sounds great.” I said as I walked into the kitchen and sat at the table. 

With his back to me as he’s boiling the water for the tea, “You know you’re a very interesting person and for some reason I can’t get you out of my head. I didn’t come here to make friends or even talk to anyone, just observe this time period.” He said then turned to face me. I didn’t know what to say. I turned my head as I started blushing. “I’m not really sure what you mean. I’m just an ordinary kunoichi in the Hidden Leaf Village. And you just happened to see me in danger in a bar, nothing special.” I said still blushing. He walked over to me and grabbed my chin to look at him, and he smirked when he seen my red cheeks. “Seems like you can’t get me out of your head either.” Was all he said and walked back to the kettle when it started whistling. 

‘damn him’ I thought to myself.

Inner me, ‘What’s wrong? You know he’s right.’

‘shut up inner!! I don’t even know why your even here in my head.’

Inner me, ‘because I’m awesome. Now back to the subject. He’s really hot so what’s the problem?’

‘The problem is that he’s the enemy!’

Inner me, ‘minor details, just follow your heart.’

‘I thought my heart was locked on Sasuke….’

Inner me, ‘Yea, but he might never return and you will end up alone with 30 cats.’

‘Oh, shut it.’

I snapped out of it when he put a cup of tea in front of me on the table. 

Thanks for reading! Comment if you like the story. Idk if I should continue or not!
Do not own the Naruto characters!
Nor do I own the pictures or the videos!

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