chapter 8 lemon

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That night after my long shift at the hospital I decided to watch a movie and relax with a bucket of popcorn. I looked through Netflix and decided on 'Truth or Dare'. Looks interesting enough I thought to myself.
"It's about when a group of friends play the game and ends up coming true."
I laughed. "Wonder if it's actually scary."
"Playing a real version of truth or dare doesn't seem so scary haha." I jumped at the voice that came out of no where.
"Who's there!?!?" I screamed as I jumped up ready to kick ass. It was hard to see who it was and then he walked into the light. I sighed, "Madara, you scared me!!" I said with a mad look on my face.
"Hahaha sorry I couldn't resist. Since you want to watch a scary movie, I'd thought I'd help you out on the getting scared part." He said as he came up to me and hugged me. "Oh and what's a movie?" I looked at him confused until I realized hes not from this era.
"Well it's about a story, like a play on a stage but instead on a stage it's on a tv screen." I just laughed, not sure how else to explain it. "Its easier to watch than to explain, so sit down and let's watch it." I made him sit down next to me and I started the movie.

~an hour and a half later~
"Well what did you think?" I sat up and looked at him.
"Its definitely interesting, but not scary at all." He laughed and gave me a peck on the forehead. I got up and went to the kitchen, "do you want anything to eat or drink?" I called out to him.
"Some tea would be lovely," he said as he came through the kitchen door.
"Well I'm making eggs and bacon, it is practically 2:00am in the morning." I said as I opened the fridge.
He just laughed at me, I looked at him an stuck my tongue out at him, "I'm off tomorrow so it's not like i gotta get up early in the morning."
"Well good because I wasn't planning on leaving anytime soon." He came up from behind and started kissing on my neck.
"Mmmm that sounds really, really good," I couldn't help, but just fall into his arms.
"I do have to start cooking breakfast," he sighed and let me go. "Theres something I do have to talk to you about though." I sighed and looked up at him.
"Lady Tsunade came into my office yesterday at work and was telling me that there is a spy in the forest. And I'm pretty positive shes talking about you. She doesnt know who it is, but I do believe shes going to start sending black ops out there to find the spy......I'm sorry idk what to do about it." He had a blank look on his face. I couldn't tell what he was thinking. As I finished up with the food I put a plate down in front of him. I sat on his lap, "say something please."
He just looked at me and smiled, "everything will be alright, I'll move to a different location and use a cloak around my new hide out. I am surprised you told me though. Your practically betraying your village." He just stared at me.
"Yea I thought about that. But I dont want them catching you and wondering how the hell your still young and healthy and will try to kill you. So please stay safe or I'll kick your ass." He laughed at me.
"Didnt think you cared so much about me," I blushed and got off his lap and grabbed me a plate and sat across from him.
"I do care about you so what?" I said just before I took a big bite of my eggs.
Hes already done eating and just staring at me. He gets up and swoops me into his arms.
"I can't resist you anymore! I need to have you." He brings me to my room and throws me on the bed and rips my clothes off and I rip his clothes off. I knew I wouldn't have been able to resist him any longer than I have already. I kissed his chest all the way up to those beautiful lips of his.
"I want you now!" I moaned as he rubbed his hands all on my body.
He looked at me and smiled, "with pleasure my blossom." I blushed at the nickname he gave me.
"Theres something you should know... I've never did this before." I told him with embarrassment as I covered my face.
He moved my hand from my face, "don't be embarrassed, it's the most beautiful thing in the world." I blushed even more. He kissed me hard and started massaging my breast, I moaned at his every touch. "I'll take it easy tonight." He said as he slowly entered me, I moaned out in pain, 'my God hes big,'
"Keep going, please!" I moaned in pleasure. It started feeling amazing.
"Wasn't planning on stopping my blossom." He turned my over on my hands and knees and started fucking me harder, it felt even better as the pain faded away. He hammered into me as he played with my clit, I moaned even louder. I've never felt anything like this before and I never want it to stop!
He flipped me over and looked into my eyes, "I love you Sakura, I didnt think it was possible, but I do. Please be mine." He said as he kissed me. My mind was still fussy and dazed out from everything that went on. He stopped and looked at me, I love you too Madara!

Hope you enjoyed it so far! Comment what you think about it!

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