Chapter 1

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Tears welled up in my eyes only seconds away from falling down my cheeks. I inhale sharply trying to calm myself down a bit. 'Youre not allowed to cry' I remind myself. I stand up from the couch and quickly make my way towards the front door. With rage I swing the door open and slam it shut as I exit.

As I make my way down my driveway I cross my arms over my chest and look down towards the ground as I start walking.

After several minutes of blankly walking I start to wonder where the hell I am even going. I look up and realize that I'm on the complete opposite side of my town. As odd as it may sound, I sometimes wish I lived on this side of town. I like the smaller more run down houses.

Every soc tells stories about how mean and terrible greasers are: but they are just people too. I kept walking and pretty soon I ended up right in front of the DX gas station. All the girls at school talk about the hot guy who works here but I've never met him nor seen him.

I enter the small building and head into the ladies room. I place my hands on both sides of the sink and stare in the mirror. My eyes are red and puffy. And my makeup was runny. I guess I cried without even realizing it.

I washed my face and fixed my makeup. Wow I really do look like a mess. I took one last look at my reflection then exited the restroom. I went to the fridge and picked out a bottle of Coca-Cola and went up to pay for it at the cash register but nobody was there.

I decided to wait a bit until the cashier came back, they are probably busy at the moment. Waiting never did bother me I'm very patient.

The door behind the counter opened and a guy came in. He had car grease on his cheek. "I'm sorry miss. I didn't mean to keep you waiting." He said apologetically. It was obvious that he is very exhausted and ready to go home for the night. "It's ok!" I say in a chirpy manner.

He rings up the coke and tells me the total. I reach into my dress pocket and pull out some change and place it in his hand. He counts it and smiles. "Thanks come back soon!" I smile and thank him and begin walking away. Right before I open the door I turn around. The boy was looking at me confused.

I walked back to the boy and he still looked very confused. I picked up his rag that he had placed on the counter and wiped the geese off of his cheek.

He looked quite embarrassed, but I gave him a smile trying to make things less awkward. "I'm uh SodaPop by the way." He says. "SodaPop?" I say aloud. "Yeah! My folks were real original! My kid brothers name is Pony Boy!" I giggle. "I like it! My names Donna."

"Donna." SodaPop says. "I like your name too!" He tells me with a smile. "Thank you!" I blush. "So uh Donna are you from around here?" He asks me his eyes gazing into mine. He has radiant green eyes. "Yeah! I actually just moved here from Wisconsin. I live all the way on the other side of town though."

Soda's face dropped. His smile faded. "Oh." Was all he said. "Oh what?" I ask even though I already know. Because i live on the other side of town I'm classified as a soc. Because I classify as a soc it's not acceptable for me to even speak with soda. This whole society thing is a huge price of shit.

"It's nothing!" He says trying to cover himself. "So when did you move here?" He asks. "Two. Thee days ago."

SodaPop and I have small chat for several more minutes before I look up at the clock. 10:56 pm. "SodaPop I need to go!" I say in a panic. "Wait! Do you need a ride?" He asks. "No it's ok. Thank you for the offer though, I'll catch you around. Bye!" I say in a hurry and dart out of the DX.

I begin running. My waist length hair that is in a braid slaps against my back with every stride I take. I focus on keeping my breath steady as I continue to run as fast as my legs would take me.

Nearly four minutes later I'm standing on my front porch searching for air. I bend over and straighten out my dress and make sure my hair is presentable before I open up the door.

My father is sitting on the couch with the newspaper in his hand. He lowers the paper and glares at me as I enter through the door. He drops his gaze with me then looks up at the clock, and then back at me. "It's 11:02." He states.

I gulp. I know I'm going to get it. I shouldn't have stayed and chatted with SodaPop for so long. "I know father. But I went to the other side of town to get you this." I say holding out the glass bottle of coke. He folds up the paper and stands up. He places the paper down on the couch and walks towards me.

He snatches the coke bottle from my hands and pops the lid open. He gulps the whole bottle down then looks at me again. "You're still late though." He states while giving me the death glare. "I know sir. It won't happen again." I look down at my feet.

"Do you promise?" He asks me. "Yes sir I promise you." He takes the bottle and bashes it on my face. "YOU'RE LYING!" He screams. I try sitting up but he kicks me while I'm down. "Clean up the damn mess." He shouts while turning away to go upstairs to bed.

I reach up to my cheek. A piece of glass is sticking into my skin so I gently pull it out. Once the glass is out I place my hand over my bloody cheek and apply pressure to the new wound. I pull my hand away from my face and begin picking up the shattered glass pieces.

Once all the mess is cleaned up I head up to my bedroom very quietly. Father wouldn't be happy if I woke him. I shut my bedroom door and rest my back against it. I hate it here. I hate it I hate it I HATE IT!!!!

I kick my shoes off and walk over to the blanket on the floor also known as my bed.

My eyes sting with new tears threatening to spill. I squeeze my eyes shut. Crying shows weakness. I'm not weak. I'm not a weak person. Don't cry.

The tears spill from my eyes and run down my cheeks and then down to my neck. Who am I kidding. I am weak.

I rock myself as I silently cry, and eventually fall to sleep.

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