we're the kids in america; two

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september 1988

the abuse had been going on for 2 months now and lovelee tried so hard not to show how she really felt, her mother was happy and she didn't want to ruin that for her.

the usual smell of bacon wafted throughout the house brand of filled lovelee's room but she wasn't hungry what he did last night went to far. she clenched her stomach trying to stop it from growling but every time it did last night would come back.

lovelee shook the thought out of her head, she picked up her cloth messenger bag and quickly desended downstairs. "good morning mom" she embraced her mother in a hug and sat down at the table.

"are you excited for your first day of school in america!" penelope said making sure to roll the r making lovelee chuckle.

"yeah" her petite hands reached for the glass container contains orange juice as she began to pour the liquid the horrific voice of her step brother made his way downstairs. every creaky step against the carpeted stairs made the hair on the back of her neck stand up.

"umm i'm not hungry" lovelee blurted our surprising her mother. "what?, lovelee bautista is skipping breakfast" penelope didn't think much and covered up the fresh tortillas and placed them on the island. patrick had already entered the kitchen but lovelee was already outside getting her bike from the backyard.

i gotta get away

lovelee began to pedal off and as she biked past the front door she caught a glimpse at of patrick watching her , she continued biking faster and in 20 minutes she reached the school.

she watched over the bunch of kids that were all laughing and giggling with each other she immediately felt left out.

"hey isn't that patrick's new sister?" she heard a voice that sounded very annoying she looked to see a blonde girl and a bunch of other girls staring at her hard and she hated it. she placed her bike in the bike stands and began to walk to the entrance.

"you know summer vacation went by fast it's like we can never escape this hell"  a bifocaled boy joked to his friend as they walked past her, this school seemed so vibrant nothing like her old school, her old school was strict and everything that came with it. she realized she must've looked like can idiot just standing there and continued walking to her assigned locker.

"is that a boy?" the same bifocaled boy said as he stood by a locker across from hers. "shut up richie" a different boy elbowed him. "obviously not she's wearing a skirt"

"isn't that patrick hockstetter's little sister?" it seemed like all eyes were on her.

lovelee began turning the lock onto the given numbers and placed her jean jacket in before smoothing out her skirt and her sweatshirt, she was honestly reconsider on going back home she felt so weird.

"oh yeah i wonder if she's like him"

that angered her why are they comparing her to him they didn't even get to know her, she didn't look scary. she slammed her locker and headed towards her assigned home room.

"see richie you made her mad, what if she beats us up"

"welcome 7th graders it's time to start a new year" the teacher began writing her name even though all the kids except lovelee knew her. "we have two new students so come on and introduce yourselves"

everyone turned to lovelee and another boy behind her she felt her soul leave her body she knew they were getting ready to judge her and not to be her friend. "well come on we don't  have all morning"

she rested her bag down and walked to the front of the class.  "what is she wearing?" greta whispered to her friend.

"your name ?!" greta shouted making the class chuckled. lovelee gave a glare before talking.

"my name is lovelee bautista" she decided to leave out hockstetter even though they already knew. "and i'm ben hanscom"

"is that an accent i here?" the teacher perked up.

"no" lovelee didn't need them making fun of her voice too.

greta being the bitch she is had to add on.  "i'm pretty sure i heard something there"

"so where are you from?"

"i'm from spain" lovelee's palms were sweating as she rolled her sweatshirt between her fingers. "haha home of bull fighting, thank you for that introduction lovelee and ben" mr nolan chuckled as he made his way back to the chalkboard.

lovelee rushed back to her seat as the teacher continued on with the lesson.

"i think your accent is cool" ben whispered to the girl earning a smile from.  "thanks"

it was finally lunch time but lovelee wasn't hungry but she tried to eat, patrick had made her stop doing many things that she loved. she stared down at the sloppy joe realizing that she just wasted 3.00 dollars lovelee was seated
at the far end of a table with the same boy with bifocals and his friends. "she's just there alone it's so sad" richie commented.

"why don't you invite her over then" stan replied back. the four boys watched the lonely girl they were so fascinated, they couldn't lie that she looked like there was no evil in her but looks can be deceiving.

"no she's a hockstetter she probably might get patty boy on us" richie added.

she couldn't take it anymore, all the gossip

and for what? she's heard about her step brother's bad reputation but if they hated and feared him so much why were they talking about him.

she removed herself and headed to the nearest bathroom. the smell of cigarettes filled the air and when she came around the corner, sitting on the window sill was a red headed girl smoking when she looked towards lovelee the sun rested on her face and her bright blue eyes gazed at lovelee. "your the new girl right?, in my math class"

"si- i mean yes"

the girl chuckled before hopping down and threw the small cigarette into the sink. "everyone knows your patrick's little sister" she blurted out.

"everyone keeps saying it like it's not obvious" lovelee relaxed and leaned against the wall this girl seemed very easy to talk to. "i don't think you're like him"

"i'm not" lovelee wanted to get that clear because it seemed like the whole world thought she was like him. "by your accent i guessing your not from here"

"no i'm from spain"

"cool so are you like an exchange student?"

before lovelee could answer the ringing of the bell stopped the conversation, "i should probably go, you don't wanna be seen with the slut"

lovelee was a little taken aback as why the girl was referring to herself in that manner. beverly picked up her bag and headed towards the exit of the bathroom. "wait what's your name?"

"it's beverly"

"mine is lovelee"

"lovelee?, i like that name it's a name lovely" beverly chuckled at her own joke.

the laughter and chattering of the rest of the student began to pile into the hallways. " i guess i'll see you around lovelee"

"yeah i'll see you around"

as lovelee began to head to her second to last class of the day she felt like her and beverly would be good friends and that   being around beverly was something she wouldn't mind doing all the time.


kinda sorta of a good chapter i guess?

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