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My eyes flickered from one tree to another, gazing at the red and yellow leaves falling onto the ground outside.

I sat at the window, one leg hanging off and swinging as I leaned against the wall. I smiled, exhaling and seeing my breath come out like a puff of smoke.

It was fall, my favorite time of the year. Up here in North Carolina it gets cold fast, and the winter is freezing.

Fall is cold, but in a good way. At least that's how I see it. "AMELIA! THE CHICKENS GOT LOOSE AGAIN!" I heard my brother yell.

"SHUT UP, CHRISTIAN!" I yelled back, huffing as I hopped out the window, landing on grass covered in frost.

I wiggled my toes, giggling slightly as the cold and wet feeling. I walked over to where I could see the chickens walking around.

I sighed and started picking them up and putting them away in their pen. Once I finally rounded them all up, I counted them to see there was only twelve chickens. We owned thirteen.

I looked around, spotting a white figure dart behind a tree. I rolled my eyes and ran after him, that stupid chicken was going to be eaten by foxes at this rate.

"Get back here!" I huffed, finally spotting him standing in a clearing. "What an idiot," I muttered to myself.

I scooped him up in my arms and brought him back, tossing him with the others. "Do you guys want to be eaten? Because you will of you keep escaping." I told them, turning on my heel and walking back to the window.

I pulled myself in and grinned at my mom, who was giving me a dirty look. "What have I said about climbing through windows?" She asked in exasperation.

"To do it," I said cheekily. "Did you round up the chickens?" She asked, I nodded.

"Jonah ran off into the forest but I grabbed him," I said. Mom rolled her eyes, "I still say we cook him." My brother Christian decided to input.

I glared at him, "We're not killing him!" I snapped, clicking my tongue in distaste.

I cocked my head slightly when I heard the sound of claws hitting the wooden floor and grinned.

I whistled, turning around and patting my thighs as I saw my dog, Spring, run towards me.

Spring barked at me, hopping up on her hind legs and jumping up at me. I picked the adorable puppy up and cuddled her, kissing her head.

Spring was a dog I found being attacked by a pack of strays, I managed to save her but not her mother so I took her in. Nobody knew what her breed was but she did look like a wolf.

"What have you been doing, you silly pupper." I cooed, wiggling my fingers as she tried to nip them.

"She decided to run around in the garden and destroy the flowers," Mom said dryly, shooting a glare at the pup.

I giggled, scratching behind Spring's ears. "She's just having fun." I defended, placing her on the ground gently.

"Um....Mom? I think breakfast is burning!" My other brother Nathan called from the kitchen.

Mom darted past me and into the kitchen, instantly fussing when she saw the state her food was in.

I walked over to my shoes, slipping my socks and then my shoes on before standing. "I'm going on a jog!" I called out, jumping out the window and landing in a crouch.

I turned towards the window and whistled, watching as Spring lunged out the window. She landed in front of me, barking and wagging her tail.

"Wanna go on a walk, girl?" I asked in a hyped voice, making her go wild and run around me in circles.

I laughed and started walking towards the forest path, "Here, girl." I clicked my tongue a few times to call her over.

We started out on a jog, Spring often running ahead before rounding back and trying to get me to go faster.

I smirked and ran ahead of her, laughing as she barked and chased after me. I glanced back to see her gaining on me and shrieked, laughing when she ran in front of my legs, making me trip.

I fell flat on my face, remaining limp for a minute or two before pushing myself up and laughing.

I rubbed at the dirt on my face, grinning and playfully pushing Spring. She yipped and licked my fingers, tail wagging excitedly.

Suddenly she stiffened, stopping in place and sticking her snout up in the air. Spring started running off the path and into the woods without warning and I quickly followed.

"Spring! Spring where are you going?!" I yelled, worried as we strayed farther and farther from the path.

Finally she stopped at a meadow I didn't know was there. I scanned the area, seeing a stream with fish swimming through it.

The area was absolutely covered in flowers, it was like something in dreams or super cheesy commercials.

Spring started barking at me and running towards the middle of the field, I followed diligently until we stopped randomly.

"What is it, girl?" I asked softly, stiffening when I saw what she had been leading me to. It was a fox, covered in blood and laying on the ground.

I crouched in front of it, wondering if it was alive. I reached forward hesitantly, pausing an inch from its fur before touching it.

My face softened and I ran my hand up its body, pausing at its neck. I waited to find a pulse but it was no good, it was dead.

It was probably recently, too, considering it didn't smell yet. I reached up and closed its eyes before closing mine briefly.

When I opened my eyes again the fox was gone, much to my surprise. I jumped up, looking around frantically until I spotted it by the stream...alive?

I walked over and kneeled in front of it, reaching out a hand for it to sniff me. "How are you alive?" I muttered.

The fox looked up at me and yipped, tail swaying back and forth. The fox then laid down and pressed its snout into my hand.

I giggled at the wet feeling before shrieking as the fox's body started turning into ash. I jumped up and started running away, calling out to Spring to join me. 

I ran as fast as I could into the forest before I stumbled and felt something grasp my ankle. I looked down and screamed as I saw the ashes had grabbed onto me and was dragging me backwards. 

I yanked my foot, trying to get it off but more came to grab me. "SPRING! SPRING HELP ME!" I cried out, reaching for her as I was dragged into the ground.

Tears filled my eyes and I thrashed, crying as Spring just sat there staring at me. The ash crawled up my body, covering almost everything.

I stared at Spring in betrayal, whispering, "You too, Spring?" just before the ash covered my face and my vision went dark.

(A/N So this is the first chapter of the rewrite! I'm excited! Also if you didn't notice already things are going to be different. I'm keeping a lot of things, like the characters and most of the plot. But I'm making things more realistic and have things actually make sense. Also that last line was just me remaking the quote from Shakespeare that goes "You too, Brutus?" It's more of a joke and you can ignore that it doesn't affect anything. I love Shakespeare's writings don't mind me xD)

And remember! Stay Whelmed!

(Btw to all you who don't get the thing at the end it's quoting Young Justice)

Sunset In Your Eyes (The Fox Spirit Rewrite) ON HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now