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When I woke up I was in the middle of the field, lying on my side. I tried to stand but fell on my butt.

I grunted, looking at the stream nearby before screaming. It came out more of a howl, which I ignored in favor of staring at my reflection.

"I'm melting!" I cried out, noticing I was shorter. 'No you're not, Amelia!' A voice in my head chirped, causing me to scream again.

"I'm going insane, too!" I wailed, trying to grasp at my head but failing. I blinked, realizing my hands were now paws and the top of my head had ears.

What. 'I'm sorry I scared you! I needed to find a host or I really would die. My name is Amber! It's nice to meet you!' The voice said.

"Nooo!" I cried, "A ghost has taken over my body!" I freaked out, trying to jump back but tripping over myself.

I turned in a circle, eyes narrowed as I caught the sight of a blurry figure disappearing. I kept turning, trying to figure out what that thing was.

When I finally caught it in my mouth I figured out it was a fox tail. I growled when I heard the voice laugh at me.

"Shut up! What are you anyways?!" I snapped, letting the tail that was connected to me for some reason go.

'I'm a spirit, or more specifically a fox spirit. Because I merged with you, you now have the power to turn into a fox.' The voice told me.

"What? What the heck? This only happens in books or movies!" I said, looking around for a camera or something. This has to be a prank.

'It's not. Also, please stop calling me "the voice", my name is Amber. Use it.' The voice- uh, Amber, said.

I took a tentative step forward, staring down at my black paws. This was so much harder than walking on two feet.

Eventually after moving around for awhile I got the hang of it and I could run without tripping over myself every second.

Of course Amber was laughing hysterically the whole time, which just angered me more.

"How do I turn back?" I grouched, sitting and glaring at my reflection in the stream.

I mean, don't get me wrong, my fox form was beautiful. I had orange fur with a white chest and belly, black paws, auburn eyes, and my tail turned white at the end and then black at the tip.

I just really wanted to become a human again. 'Just think of your human form and focus on becoming it.' Amber said.

I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath, thinking about my long red hair, blue eyes, my tan skin and my freckles.

I cried out as I felt sharp pain rack my body, feeling my bones shift which felt awful, by the way.

When it was over I was on all fours panting, sweat covering my body. 'You'll get used to it.' Amber said casually, as if I didn't just go through excruciating pain.

I pushed myself up, stumbling as my limbs felt like noodles. My whole body felt sore, like I'd just gone on a 10k run.

I threw my hair over my shoulder before starting to walk home. I wonder where Spring is.... Is she okay?

When I arrived at my house I went into the bathroom and took a shower before collapsing on my bed.

I sighed and rolled onto my back, staring up at the ceiling. Just.... What the heck just happened? I found a dead fox, which turned out to not be dead, and now I'm a.... uh... what am I?

A werefox? Sounds like some cheap knockoff or werewolves, maybe I could call myself a shifter? That sounds cooler.

'Shifters are a whole different species,' Amber scoffed, sounding offended. "What are you talking about? Isn't it the same thing?" I asked.

'No. Shifters are half-breeds, belonging to neither the human nor animal species. They are mutts, abominations. Also, because they're half-breeds, when they're human they have animal features. That's why they hide. They're disgusting creatures.' Amber snarled.

"Wow, you sure hold a grudge against them." I said, confused as to why she hated these so called "shifters" so much.

I guess I'll refrain from calling myself one. "Amelia?" I looked over at my door at the call, seeing my mom at the door.

"You missed breakfast earlier, as usual. I'm going to the store to get some food, make sure you feed the horses." She said.

I nodded before pushing myself up with a sigh, could I get a break for once? I guess I could also look for Spring.

I trudged into the kitchen to find something for lunch seeing as it was one p.m. I made a quick sandwich before going outside and to the stable.

Arkham, a Friesian horse, whinnied when he saw me. I smiled and placed a hand on his forehead, rubbing it before hopping off the stool I previously stood on.

I led everybody out into the large fenced-in area before going into the stables to clean them. It was really annoying to do, especially because it smelled awful.

You see, I had the job of taking care of the animals, while the boys did all the manual labor.

I filled up everyones water with a hose and replaced the hay on the floor before dumping in the feed we have.

I walked out and looked around the yard, trying to spot Spring. "Spring!" I called out, waiting in place.

I whistled a few times before a silver blur burst out from the tree line and rammed into me.

I wheezed and fell backwards, the breath knocked out of me. Spring licked my face excitedly, yipping loudly.

Once I got my breath back I smiled and scratched her head, "Good girl." I cooed, sitting up with Spring in my lap.

She sat there, staring up at me with innocent eyes as her tail wagged. I rolled my eyes and hugged her, "I forgave you long ago, you little rascal." I said.

I stood up, brushing all the dirt off my clothes before walking back inside. Spring followed me diligently, almost tripping me multiple times as she ran around my legs.

She's such a brat sometimes, I swear. When I got inside Spring tried running into my room but I grabbed her.

"Oh no you don't! You're dirty, you either take a bath or stay outside." I said, opening the bathroom door with my foot.

I plopped her into the bathtub, kicking the door shut with my foot. Spring whined, giving me puppy eyes.

I smirked, "Revenge." I said simply before turning the water on.

(A/N I know, I know, you're waiting for her to meet Jake but that won't happen until maybe the fourth chapter. It's not that far away, but the next chapter is going to be Amelia bonding with Rheya and Amber. Also she's not going to immediately like Amber, like the last book. It's not realistic, she has to get to know her first)

And remember! Stay Whelmed!

Sunset In Your Eyes (The Fox Spirit Rewrite) ON HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now