Meeting the Billionaire Princess

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I sped my way through the streets, getting to the arena as quick as humanly possible driving. After about 15 minutes, we arrived. I pulled into the garage and parked close to the arena entryway. I got out and opened the back for the guys.
F: Thanks for that. Oh, I just had an idea.
N: Don't tell me it's a bad one.
F: Just trust me. How about you stay in catering? That way I'll know where you are at all times?
N: That actually sounds like a pretty good idea. Thanks Finn.
I didn't know what else to do, so I embraced Finn in a hug. I didn't expect for him to return it.

I decided that I would find Stephanie's office, so I did. People gave me weird looks so I returned them. After a few minutes of searching, I found the door to Stephanie McMahon's office. I knocked three times, just to make sure she knows that I'm here. After about a minute and a half of waiting, The Cerebral Assassin, The Game, Triple H answered the door. I was shocked, but Trips noticed and pulled me into his wife's office.

Tr: You're the woman that Emma and Zack Ryder keep rambling on about, aren't you?
N: Yes sir. I am. I suppose you already know both of my name's?
Tr: Yes I do. And I've been waiting for the day you would come knocking.
N: Really sir? I thought that you'd send a representative to do some scouting.
Tr: I did. Those times that Emma and Zack went to your shows together? That was what they were there for. They did a pretty good job supporting you, I can tell.

After Trips had finished talking, he pulled out what looked like a contract. It said that I'd start off on the announce team, then get into a feud with Bray Wyatt. I'd still be on the announce team, until it was time to start doing the segments. He handed me a pen, as I was shaking.
Tr: All you have to do is sign the three lines. Then you can see Mikaze to design your outfit, and then Sandra will make it.
I felt so scared. I had worked my entire life for this, but now the times here, it just doesn't feel right. After 3 minutes, I made my decision. I signed the three lines, handed the contract and pen back to Trips. He said to go to catering, just like Finn told me, and to wait to receive a text from Emma.

I was containing my excitement, so I made my first stop at the seamstresses. I asked Mikaze if he could design my outfit, so he happily agreed. After we finished talking, I walked to catering and found a table at the back where no one would bother me. If they saw the way I was in the ring, they wouldn't want to mess with me. But what can I say? That's all my heritage coming out. My family heritage stretches all across Europe and the UK. Especially Scotland and Ireland, as well as Germany.

I looked up from my phone, and saw a brawl being filmed. I recognised one of the faces being Finn. I looked closer at the other face, and saw it was Roman Reigns. I put my stuff down, ran over to the two and pulled Finn away.

R: What are you doing kid? Get out of the way!
N: No, I don't have to do anything. In fact, I quite like it here.
R: If you won't move, then I'll move you myself.
As Roman got prepared to do a Superman punch, he jumped, and I pulled out a good, old, classic move which was of course Sweet Chin Music. I stepped back, and smirked at the camera.
N: For those of you who don't know who the hell I am, I am Sun Wolf. And I will be going for the highest honour there is in the WWE. Get ready. Cause I'm bringing a god damn storm.

I went back to my seat, and Finn followed me. He sat down next to me.
F: That was badass! Sure, you're badass on film, but in real life, you're a whole new story.
N: Yeah, well I won't be in the ring for a while.
F: Why? Is something wrong?
N: No, nothing's wrong. My contract said that I'm starting off as a part of the announce team, then when the timings right, I'll start off by having a feud with Bray Wyatt.
F: Just be careful around him. At work and outside of work. Promise me you'll be careful?
N: I promise. I know we just met, but I wouldn't lie to you.
F: Thanks for being honest.
N: You're welcome.

◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼After Raw finished◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼
As soon as Raw finished, I got a text from Emma.
Aussie Bestie: Hey I know who you'll be rooming with to start off.
Me: Who is it? It's illegal to keep me waiting.
Aussie Bestie: You really wanna know who it is?
Me: Of course I do!
Aussie Bestie: Here are two important clues you'll need. Floor 14, room 619.
Me: Ok, but if it's Zack, I'm changing.
Aussie Bestie: Oh, it isn't Zack. Just go to the hotel and find out.
I put my phone back into my pocket, and got into the car. Noam and Finn were ready to go, so we left. We got to the hotel so I walked straight to the elevator and pressed the button for floor 14. The elevator reached the floor, so I got out and started finding room 619. I knocked on the door, and it opened straight away. A man was standing in the door, I looked up and was shocked. I could barely speak. He had his hair tied into a man bun, which was kinda cute. I recognised the all too familiar build of the man. I'm rooming with the...

A/N: Cliffhanger! Comment down below who you think the person is. The clues you have are he has a toned body, and he puts his hair into a man bun. If you want, I can add another superstar so the rooming situation is three people per room.

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