Chapter 2 ~Rosa My Bestfriend~

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Staring at my bedroom ceiling just a lot of white empty space. My mind begins to wonder off.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

"What." I said.

No answer.

Rolling my eyes.

Still no answer.

So, I flung open my bedroom door.

"What is i-"

No one was there.

Weird. I closed the door and laid back down.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

I laid there for a second. Maybe that's the window. I got up and slowly peeked at the corner of my curtain.

"Girl, Toni. You know it's me! Stop peeking!"

"Rosa, Don't be playin' games like that! Why didn't you just knock on the door?" I laughed.

"Because I wasn't trying to hear yo' mommas mouth. Every time I come over she wants to give me shit."

"Haha that's true."

"Are you gonna let me in? Or what?!" She rolled her neck while smacking her gum.

I opened my window and let her in.

Rosa's been my friend since middle- wait no since 4th grade. We were both the mean quiet girls in school- well I was. She was more of the loud mouth mean girl. She would always pass every class because she would let the teachers know that she DOES NOT play with anyone's attitude and if they wanted to stay on her good side. Her motto is, "let Rosa do her thang" no questions asked.

One teacher I would never forget. His name was Mr. Jeffers. He thought it was okay to announce everyones test scores out loud. He used to think it was okay to pick on Rosa. Well Mr. Jeffers began to call out Rosa's scores and she wasn't having it.

"Phillip, you got a-"
"My name is josè" Phillip (our classmate) snapped.
"Eighty nine " Mr. Jeffers snapped back.
Josè rolled his eyes.

"Rosanna, you got-"
"Na, first off its pronounced RO-Sun-Na. But to you it's Rosa. RO-SAH. Second, I don't want everyone knowing what the fuck my test scores are. That's my fucking business. Why does everyone need to know about my shit?" She yelled.
"You got a-"

Rosa stood up from her desk.

"Yo, look.  If you so think you're still about to form your lips to tell my business I'll tell everyone you're business with Ms. Katie in the bathroom. Try me. " She perked out her lips with her hands on her hips.

"Oooooo" the classed chuckled.

"Rosanna, F." He kept pronouncing her name like RO-Zan-A. Rosa was boiling at this point she stood up and walked right up to Mr. Jeffers.

"Look, You White Bitch. I told yo' joto ass to not go there. But you did. Just wait."
She walked out of the classroom killing Mr. Jeffers with her mean mug. Back then I was a firecracker as well , I still am. But I stayed to myself. I stood up. The whole class looked at me.

"Mr. Jeffers, you're disrespectful as fuck. This is why no one respects you. You always think everybody owes you something. Funny.. even Ms. Katie. Don't act like we didn't see y'all up in the bathroom snatchin' ya clothes off. What kind of perverted fucked up teacher are you? Punto."

I walked out. The class was clapping, screaming, and laughing. Mr. Jeffers just stood there with his mouth opened.

As I walked down the hallway to the front doors of Tracer Elementary. Rosa was standing right there out front of the school. I pushed open the double doors and sat on the front step. It's funny because Rosa was always known as the pretty girl and you wouldn't think she would have that much mouth. She was standing there with her red sweat suit on and her white clean nike shoes.

"Wassup. You tired of his ass too?" Rosa turned towards me.

"He's a bitch, he always thinks the world owes him something."

"Yeah, well that's going to stop." Rosa popped her gum.

A black SUV with tinted windows rolled and then a pretty crimson red SUV with glistening rims pulled right in front. The music was bumping. Rosa was staring at the red SUV as if she was waiting for whoever that was in it to come out. The SUV door opens. The first thing I see is a matching pair of white nikes like Rosa's. There he was. A crisp clean fade. White jogger sweat suit (Nike of course) gold jewelry just shining. He had a diamond gold watch on that read: Bulova. And a diamond gold pendant chain necklace with a bald head Mexicano man on the front.

"Tío!" Rosa yelled and ran to him.
"Hey baby Ro, ¿Què pasa sobrina?"
"Tío, that perro blanco was telling all my business in the classroom after I told his ass not to fucking cross me."

Rosa's Tío walked in the school with two other guys-who were buff and wearing an all black Nike sweatsuit as well. They had on black Nikes, gold chains, and black shades.

Tío busted in the classroom. Everyone quickly hushed. Mr. Jeffers was trembling by the chalkboard with chalk in hand.

"Estás terminado, cabroń." Rosa's uncle pointed at our teacher.

I looked at Rosa. She was just meanmuggin' the shit out of Mr.Jeffers. Her Tío walked up to Mr. Jeffers. Nose to nose. He snatched our teachers glasses off his face. He threw them on the ground and stomped on them. Our teacher put his hands up as a sign of he surrendered . Rosa's uncle whispered in his ear. Our teachers skin complexion drastically changed from a peachy white to pale white, like elmers glue. He quickly apologized to Rosa stuttering.

"I-I-I'm sorry Rosa."

Rosa smacked her gum and smiled. Her uncle walked out of the classroom. Me and Rosa followed.

"Rosa, what's my Hermana doing?"

"Tío, I don't know. Last time I checked she was at home. But who knows. She's full of surprises."

"Okay. Who's this Bonita?" He turned his head at me. I looked at Rosa. Rosa looked at me and then at her uncle.

"She's cool. Toni right?" As she smacked her gum.


"Toni, you're beautiful mamí. You take of my Rosa okay? She's the only niece I got. Since you kick it with this trouble maker, you cool with us. If you need anything call me." He winked. He smiled at me.

His perfect white teeth was glistening at me. I nodded my head. He started digging in his pants pocket and pulled out a white card.

"The name is Andríes, don't hesitate to call me." He winked again.

Rosa's uncle was so fine. He had to be about early twenties at the time. I took the card and put it in my backpack. That's how me and Rosa became friends. That's the day I discovered her gorgeous Tío Andríes.

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