Poem wrote for class mass (last year)

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* I wrote this last year for a mass at school. The theme was "shining faithfully" (i think :S). The teacher read it and insisted that I changed a few words and even cut bits out without telling me!!!! This is the original one (that didn't make any sense lol)

The sun shines to fulfil the day with light.

The moon shines to signify that it is now past dawn and into the night.

God shines in all the good we say or do.

And you shine because the individual shines inside of you.

Candles will shine to show you your way.

Eyes twinkle right up until you blow out its flame.

Think of it as shining faithfully.

You are that candle in the night,

You are the ears who listen as the storyteller tells the story of life.

You are the dove that ignites peace with its faithful flame,

And you are one of the many that believe in your candle, alight in the pouring rain.

By taking the message of the sun to the flowers, they raise their heads and take all you have to give them.

By changing the lives of others, you can believe in the dead without having to see them risen.

You know the unfaithful, the ungrateful, the evil and the pains.

Do not let them stab you with thorns and take your crown of light away.

And as has been said..

The star that shines twice as brightly, only shone for half as long.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2010 ⏰

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