Chapter 10 - Why Brother

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Natsu's P.O.V

I ended up having to pull Lucy on a sled because she couldn't walk straight. We saw a few other people through their windows, and when they saw us, they stared at us like we were crazy, but Lucy and I simply waved at them and continued onto my house.

I opened the window that led to my room and helped Lucy inside. I left the sled just outside and hopped in behind her. Sadly, Zeref was on my bed with a teasing face.

"Aw! You two go for a sleigh ride?!" He asked quite  loudly.

"No, we just came from my house to get Natsu's things." Lucy said, pushing me along to gather my bag.

"S-so you're n-not g-going to s-spend time w-with your b-b-brother?!" Zeref started dramatically collapsing.

"Not now Zeref! Where's Mavis?" I asked annoyed.

"She's stuck at her house, duh! She's not dumb like you guys and goes out in the snow!" He said, his balling immediately stopped.

I finished getting my stuff, by Zeref insisted on us staying for at least an hour. I love my brother and all.... But he needs to get his feelings straight.

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