Random - 3

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She smiled at everything in sight. Nothing was clear of her vison. Her family had finally bought a new house. She was ablsolutely possesed by giddiness.

"Mom! come look!" She grabbbed her moms hand and pulled her to the unknown object.

It glowed with a tint of red. The girl wanted to touch it and so she tried but failed as her mother grabbed her hand. "Don't touch it sweetie. We don't know what all of this stuff is okay?" The girl didn't understand but nodded and ditched her mother to gaze at more sparkly things.

The mother stood there, watching the glowing object. She had thought she threw it away but somehow it reappeared and frightened her once again.

"Mommy! will I be able to make friends at this school?" The girl asked with the upmost concern. She didn't want to be alone at school, she wanted to have someone to play with.

She didn't care who she talked to, if it was a person willing to talk then so would she.

Mom grabbed the shiny object and dashed upstairs and looked around for the best place to keep her daughter from finding it. Suddenly, she caught the idea to hide it inside a clothes basket and stuffed clothing onto it pushing it deep inside her closet.

Hopefully, everything would be safe.

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