Random - 68

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Don't be dizzy.

Don't be confused.

Don't be frazzled.

You don't want to be me.

You don't want to be a person of many faults and fuck-ups.

You don't want to be me.

I am not a role model; not a person you should look up to.

Failures... Am I a failure?


I'm a second guessing fool.

I'd doubt my entire being, If given the chance.

I'm never sure of anything. Always confused.

Even my emotions are sometimes mixed up.

C-can I be sure of anything?

C-can I be certain that I won't die in the next 5 minutes?

Will the noose I hold be strong enough to hold my weight as I gag for air?

You know, second guessing isn't always bad.

When second guessing comes into play, you try different methods to solve the riddle, right?

Well, I guess trying my weight on this noose will get me closer to figuring out this riddle.

It would seem the riddle has been solved. 

That noose, in fact, held my weight perfectly.

No more second guessing, I guess.

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