Chapter 1 - The new kid on the block

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(y/n) was what you'd call a 'tomboy'. No one was quite sure if she was a girl or a boy now. That and the fact that she just moved to Derry made her an easy target for bullies. It was monday, the start of her second week at the new school.

The first period was almost over. Thank god. Math sucks. (y/n) packed her bag, ready to leave for the break. Man she really needed a cigarette. Bowers kept throwing notes at her through the whole lesson. "Yo fag" "Fuckin gay" "Where's ya dick?" ... And so on. (Y/n) only knows him since last week, but that was already long enough. Finally the bell rang. The (h/c) girl took her bag and rushed out. "Look who's there." a dark brown haired boy said in an amused voice as he grabbed (y/n)s arm. "Well who is it, fag?" (y/n) growled at him. "You little-" "Patrick. Stop." She heard a voice behind her. Henry. Shit. Patrick nodded slightly pissed and pushed her at Henry. "The heck do you want?" The (h/l)haired girl hissed at him. "You haven't responded to my notes..." He said in a way too overacted sad voice. "Bohoo." She responded and pushed him aside. "Don't fuckin' push me!" Henry growled, grabbing her by her throat. "And you don't fuckin' tell me what to do." (y/n) growled back provoking. Luckily the losers club just crossed their way, drawing the bullies attention on them. Henry loosened his grip. That was the chance. (y/n) pushed him back and walked off. "You'll get a fuckin payback for that!!" Henry shouted after her. She just grinned and raised her middlefinger. Now it was time for the next lesson. Fuckin bullshit. (y/n) decided to skip the rest of the day. She really didn't need to see Bowers and his faggots again today. Waiting for all the other students to leave, she packed out a pack of cigs. As soon as the corridors were empty, (y/n) put a cigarette in her mouth. When she reached the door, she already had her lighter ready. Opening the door, bright sunshine warmth her body, blending her face. She carefuly stepped out if the school, lightening her cig, ready to end this stupid day. Not knowing that it was far from being over.

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