Chapter 2 - And who are you?

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(Y/n) took a deep puff from her cigarette. That was just what she needed now, since she knew exactly that Bowers will come back. And next time it won't be rainbows and butterflies again. But for now, she was safe. He and his idiots were in class. Or weren't they? (y/n) was sitting on the wooden bench in front of the school, staring at the huge 'remember the curfew'sign. *What's this curfewshit good for? The Bowers faggots or what?* She thought and took another puff. "No... Because of me~" a shaky voice sang in very high notes. (Y/n) turned around. A clown. Oh great. That's just what she needed. "No. Yea. Don't read my thoughts, thank you very much. Also, carneval is over." she murred, clearly unimpressed by the clown. "My name is Pennywise the dancing clown~" He sang again, the little bells he wore were shaking. "Mhm. Cool. I'm (y/n). The you-better-fuck-off-now-or-I'll-rip-your-goddamn-bells-off-your-stupid-dress girl." (y/n) spatted, threw her cigarette at him and left. *So many fucking freaks in this town, I can't.* She ran her hand through her (h/l) (h/c) hair as she walked down the street. It was 11 am. She couldn't go home yet. Aunt Beth would kill her if she did. But compared to what was going to happen to her, she should have better just went home, shouldn't she?

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