Chapter 3: A Kiss?!

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Author's Note: I am sooooo sorry for not updating sooner! I had TONS of eassays and Finals ughhh. But here is chapter 3 for you guys!!! I hope you like it!

P.S. While writing the story, I legit got the biggest nosebleed I've ever had xD I guess ereri just kinda does things to ya! Anyways, enjoy the chapter!!

Yesterday was literally the worst day of my life. Well, each year was the worst at least. It took hours and hours just trying to figure out how I would go back today. I decided to go (not just because Mikasa kept kicking my ass out the door). I wanted to go because if I didn't, Levi would pick on me even more for not attending and call me a weakling or some shit like that.

×Eren and Mikasa on their way to school×

"Crap Mikasa, the clique is out there again! Where the hell do we go?"

"Eren, just walk past. There is no where else to go." she stared ahead and just kept going, so I did the same. But to no avail.

"Jaeger! You think you can just pass by? Tsk." The black haired midgit (yet so gorgeous man) yelled to me.

"Um, I'm just walking to school." That was all I could think of.

"oh, so you're back talking me Jaeger?Shitty move." With that, he clutched me by my blue shirt's collar and dragged me out to the back of the school, and once again, Mikasa was no where to be found.

"Why do you always do this to me?" I yelled out.

"Cuz you're Eren Jaeger. Who wouldn't do this to you. " He said with a little chuckle.

I flailed around trying to get out of his grip. For his size, he was strong. No wonder everyone called him the strongest kid in the school!

"Eren ya lil' brat calm down!"



"Because I like you!" I gasped. What the hell did I just say? I was dead. This was the end. There was no need to even try anymore. He was going to end me. I'd probably be killed in a matter of minutes and no one would ever find my body, or even care to search for it.

Levi turned on his heal, "What was that?" He said trying to hold a smirk.

"N-nothing" I murmered and looked down.

"Ah, tsk tsk. So Eren has a little crush, huh?" He looked me in the eyes and booped my nose. "How cute."

********Meanwhile on Mikasa's Point of View********

"Jean where did you take Eren!" I couldn't figure out where the hell they took Eren. I didn't even know WHO took him. One time I look away, and he's gone. Jean wouldn't answer me, so I decided to look myself. Who knows, maybe Eren wimped out and stormed off back home. Or he could've ditched and went somewhere with Armin. Who knows what the hell those two do. I looked around and noticed a very important person of Jean's clique gone.


I quickly turned around and ran all the way back to the school and jutted up to Jean.

"Where's Levi?"

"Oh so you figured out who took Eren? Wow you're fast! A+ from me!" He laughed and held his stomach.

I was done with these games. I slapped Jean in the face and flipped him to the ground. His body shaked as whispered in his ear, "You better tell me where Levi took Eren or I swear to God you won't see tomorrow...or live to see Marco, I should say." I tried to stay serious but it was almost impossible.

Jean gasped and remarked, "Levi took Eren behind the school, who knows, by now they could be making out or something!" He slapped his knee and almost fell down laughing, gasping for air.

"You're such a horse face." I yelled and slapped him again.

I would finish him off later because there wasn't much time. I had to see what Levi had done to Eren. I couldn't get the weird picture out of my mind that Jean had forced on me. Eren and Levi making out. They definitely weren't for each other. I knew that Eren had liked him for some off reason but I could never see what he saw in him. Levi was just to mean and just that blank stare he gives you sometimes even terrified me! I shook my head and finally found Eren and Levi. I've never been so surprised in my life.

I gasped, "Eren?"

They were making out.

Did Levi force him?

Is Eren the one who started this?

"W-what the hell are you two doing!" I yelled.

Eren and Levi both stopped and looked over at the same time. They both looked at me in terror and couldn't look me straight in the eye.

"What does it look like Ackerman?" Levi replied with a smirk, and with that, him and Eren walked away to the school together.

"What the hell are you two doing?" I repeated in a whisper. I was of a loss of words and didn't know what to say. Was this a trick?

Eren and Levi.


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