Chapter 4: Daunting Discovery

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The day had been going well up until the mayor, Todd Macquire, had arranged a meeting with me to discuss my daughter, Raphielle, and her enthusiasm of certain topics. The man would barely stop to take a breath, almost as if he was making certain that I could not interject before he was through with his point. As he talked and talked, I took notice of the business around me. Despite the bareness of the pasty white walls, the liveliness within the bunker could not go unnoticed.

Taking a breath of the earthy air, I watched as people went about their daily lives. A couple of janitors entered and exited through the doors that led into various departments. We had the lab, where I worked, we had stores for clothes and food, and the school was a couple hundred yards down the hall. There were electricians sitting on an old bench, waiting for the welders to finish patching up the bunker wall where a water leak had begun to expand through the metalwork.

As I watched I began to feel time slip and soon there was a bit of tiredness weighing on my eyes. Accidentally letting a yawn slip, an ignorant huff brought me back into my conversation with Macquire. As far as politicians go, he was definitely a man after his own interests. Such a motivation could go both ways in the terms of right and wrong, good and evil.

The levels of irritation that could arise from within me towards this man were limitless. I had no choice, but to listen in annoyance to the incompetent words of our 'oh, so fearless' leader. To this day I am unsure why he was named "mayor" in the first place. Sure, he had the moxie and style, but his strategies concerning the bunker were at times questionable. However, when it came to my daughter, he had a point.

"Your daughter is one of the most intelligent children in the bunker, but her curiosity and negligence of the rules could possibly become a danger to her and everyone else." Todd droned on while I attempted to ignore his explanation. I knew he was right, and I didn't need to hear again about how Raphielle was getting too close to the truth. Down here, the truth would never set you free, it would only disfigure, chain and cast you down. Then, Todd Macquire regained my attention by mentioning my late wife.

"What?" I asked him, snapping my head towards him, but trying not to let his words infuriate me. Macquire instantly saw that he had chosen his words incorrectly and that he was walking on thin ice. Hesitantly, he went about his next sentence cautiously.

"I just meant that Paula and Raphielle were too similar. If little Root knew what was out there, she would stop at nothing to fix the problem. Just like her mother did. Root would be turned or even killed before taking so much as a step out of that vault door. For her own safety, she can't know. Not until she's old enough to face it, at least. Even though she has so much of her mother's fight, she is only a teenager.

There was no keeping Raphielle safe from the world, but for now, I could protect her while she was young. There were things that I hoped I would never have to encounter again, but if she felt she could do something, I knew I couldn't stop her. But, the disease that reigned the world didn't have a cure. If anyone could ever find it, it would be my little Root. With such a mind for knowledge and the spirit of curiosity, they could lead her to greater things.

"I understand all of this, Todd," I told him. "We need to keep her on our side. She's my daughter and she is capable of whatever she puts her mind to." The mayor shook his head in agreement and stared out with worry on his mind.

People have never belonged underground. The bunker was slowly depreciating in its ability to support life. Oxygen was a struggle to keep flowing every day since no one ever left Level 3. Water was even more difficult to obtain. If the bunker could support this community for another five years, it would be a miracle. But, here we were, waiting, even after thirty years, for nothing. We were just delaying the end of the human race. If Raphielle could be the key to a better future, she would take that chance. She wanted, as much as I did, for a better life. One that could only be obtained above on the surface.

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