When they meet/find you

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An albino was walking around the patients room like crazy as he heard his boyfriend scream in pain as he was giving birth to their baby his boyfriend was Mathew Willams he was perfect for Gil he loved how shy and cute he was how sweet and kind he was how he handles him after he loves him for everything after the two got to know each other very well Gil asked him out and Matthew gladly accepted they just didn't tell Alfred because both knew he would beat Gil's ass and it almost happen Gilbert told Alfred that him and his baby baby brother were dating which almost got out of in a fight but Matthew stopped them saying he was really in love with his brothers best friend seeing his brother really being in loved with his friend he let him also threatening Gil in the process Gil got back to reality as he didn't hear the cries of his boyfriend he couldn't go in because he couldn't and Matthew was threatening Gil and saying stuff to him he waited for a few seconds as the door opened to see the doctor before he could say anything The red eyed albino came running in the room to see Matthew smiling and looking down at which was probably the baby covered in a pink blanket he then sighed in relief which gained the Canadians attention

"Birdie your ok now right" Gil said afraid that he might cuss him out like he did when he was giving birth Matthew chuckled patting his hand beside of him Gil grinned running towards his boyfriend as he sat down beside him he looked down seeing a baby girl with (H/C) hair with (E/C) eyes "Here you hold her"
Matthew said giving Gil the baby who took it and cradled it gently in his arms

"Hallo little one it's your awesome papa welcome to the world" Gil smiled kissing the baby's forehead who giggled reaching out for his head snowy white hair "She wants to touch your hair" Matt smiled "Who wouldn't want to touch the awesome me there you go my kleines Mädchen" Gil said Bowing his head down a little as the baby began to play with his hair Gil then stood up kissing the girls nose

"What are we going to name her" Gil asked Mathew started thinking "hmm....how about (Y/N)"

"That's an awesome name for my awesome daughter"

FACE family

"Where did you last leave it at" Arthur asked his 5 year old son Alfred as he lost a toy "I-I don't know I left it here b-" Alfred stop as he looked around he heard something strange like a whimper? Arthur raised a brow at him as he was about to say something until Alfred ran off Arthur groaned as he chased after his son who stopped as a cliff Arthur was about to say something until he heard the whimper as well "D-dad do you hear that noise what is it" Alfred said looking down the cliff the noise did sound like it was off the cliff as it got louder

"M-mama papa" Said a small girls voice "Arthur there" Alfred gasped pointing down Arthur looked down his green eyes widened as he saw a girl who looked 4 years old was on the bottom of a hill looking cliff that was downwards stuck in some branches the Brit wondered how a little girl could gotten under there W-we need to save her" Alfred said shaking Arthur's pants Arthur didn't hesitate as he almost ran down there but he then gave his phone to Alfred to tell him to call Francis and tell him what's going on and to get rope as he did that as Arthur was climbing down he ended up sliding down tumbling down the hill bumping into small trees and sticks

"ARTIE!" Cried Alfred as Arthur tried to get up not caring that he was in pain "Alfred don't worry about me I'm alright just keep talking to Francis" Arthur reassured his son tears were almost coming down of his eyes as he began talking to his other father Arthur then got up wobbly not caring if he was bleeding or not he focused his attention on the little girl who was just feet away from him he then went closer as the little girls eyes widened now that he has a closer look at the girl she had (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes her face looked dirty and bruised as she was bleeding in her face a little she was wearing a dress which looked dirty and ripped up

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