First Word

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You were just playing with your toys one afternoon as you saw your uncles who were Francis Arthur and Alfred saying goodbye to your parents as you uncles each gave you a kiss on the cheek and hugged you saying goodbye as they left and gave you to your mother "Ah my little maple you must be sleepy of all of this" Matthew said kissing your forehead "I didn't even get to hold my little (Y/N) while they were here" Gil glared at the door you giggled as you felt something on your head "Oh Gilbird is on your head I hope he wasn't afraid of what happened last time" Matthew chuckled nervously what did he mean well you see what happened was when you first met the bird you tried to eat it but you are just a baby and didn't know better so you didn't get in trouble

"Gilbird is my other awesome friend and he is not food ok" Your Dad said as you looked up at the little bird who tweeted and snuggled into your (H/C) hair "B-bwarbi" you giggled making both of your parents look at you in shock "W-what is that Mädchen" "Gil get the camera" Matthew said as Gilbert ran to get a camera recording their baby girl you pouted trying to say the words that your father says to your papa and to the yellow thing in his head



"Birdie!" You said pointing at the bird on your head "Your first word is birdie yes! That's a birdie on your head my bébé" Your papa and Vati then started cheering and kissing you


You crawled towards your brother because you just like following him it's like the both of you already had this small connection when he first saw you in the box and again he did save your life from being frozen in the box if he didn't find you "(Y/N) why won't you go with mama and papa" he picked you up as he was about to go downstairs you just touched his face mumbling words "Now I won't understand you if you won't talk" Peter said as he gasped and had an idea "How about I teach you how to talk would you like that" Peter asked as you mumbled "I take that as a yes ok so what should I teach you first" the blonde started thinking until he saw Hana her head tilted "Hmm oh you see the dog (Y/N) this is Hana she's a dog can you say Hana" Peter said saying the name slowly as you tried to say the name of the dog as he sat down with you pointing to the dog who licked you


"Ah that's close now dog in Finnish is koira and In Swedish it's hund do you know how to say that?" Asked Peter as you mumbled something


"That's close hm let's get you something easier do you know how to say Mama or papa that should be easy for you" you then pointed to Peter "No no I'm not your papa or mama I'm your big brother or Isoveli I'll show you were mama and papa is" The micro nation then went to the kitchen were your parents were "Look (Y/N) that's äiti or mama" Peter pointed to their mother who was washing dishes "And that's papa or Well pappa" Peter said pointing to their dad both parents turned to the two

"What are you two doing" Asked Tino "I'm teaching (Y/N) how to talk" Peter said confidently "Aww that's sweet but I don't think she can talk right now but that's good how your trying Peter oh and dinner is going to be done in a few so wash your hands" Smiled tino Peter nodded going to the living room "Now (Y/N) we have to cut this short so I could wash my Hands so you stay here and play with Hana" Your brother put you down as you pouted fearing he was going to leave you you then tried to call him but it only came in mumbling you tried to craw to him but he was going up the Stairs but then you remembered that word he said and you tried to say it

"I-isogel" you yelled making your brother turn around "What are you trying to say"

"I-isoveli" Peters eyes widened as he ran down stairs sitting next to you "W-what did you say d-did"
"Isoveli" you said happily getting the word right Peter gasped and smiled picking you up "You did it you said big brother mama papa (Y/N) said her first word her word was big brother!" Peter ran with you in his arms to the kitchen as they ran you saw your mom and dad look at each other "She did!?" Tino said as both of your parents got close to you as Peter held you out surprisingly you didn't fall

"Come on say it again (Y/N) who am I" Smiled Peter you turned around hearing your brothers voice as your parents looked at you hoping that you would say something "Isoveli" you said hugging your brother as your mother swooped you up kissing all around your face "You said your first word kultaseni" Tino said rubbing his nose against yours as your father kissed your cheek "And I taught her" Peter said proudly Tino chucked "Good job Peter now (Y/N) do you know how to say thank you in Swedish it's tack" Your father said you "And in Finnish is Kiitos" Said tino "And English is Thank you " said Peter as you giggled the 3 tried to say more words that you can try to say as you tried to say them


You tilted your head as you saw your mom come in the room "Dum dumbest" He whispered to hoping you wouldn't hear this has been happening every morning you see your dad run away from your mother as she comes In the room saying the same words as he just snuggles and hugs you and you wonderd what those words meant as your mother went near you and picked you up hugging you "Did I wake you my Blmost" Your mom said kissing your forehead as you heard loud footsteps approaching the two of you you then saw your mother glaring at your dad as he held a drink and gave it to you mother you were still trying to figure out those words your mama said "Good morning (Y/N)" your papa said kissing your forehead you then looked at your mama who still drank whatever was in the cup

"Dum" you tilted your head as your mother spitted out the drink in her mouth your dad eyes widened as he looked at you in shock "Did you teach her th-" Your moms eyes widened as he looked at you "I never do that in front of her" Your dad said in defense "I know I think I've been saying that in front of her since...." Your mom sighed giving the cup to your dad as you wanted to know what that words meant

"(Y/N) don't say that that's a word your not suppose to say alright ill sorry for what I said your mama just doesn't feel good in the morning alright just don't say it" He said as you nodded "This never happened" "The word she said she didn't say let's teach you other words ok" Your mama said kissing your cheek as they began teaching you other words and watching what they say this time


You pouted as you and your twin sister were in your cribs different cribs that were next to each other that is you wanted to get your parents attention so the could carry you and you knew your twin wanted to as well "Mwama" You said wanting your pabbi you then heard footsteps running towards the room it relived to be your Bà
He then went up to the crib in front of the two of you "Did I hear you two say something" He asked looking at the both of us you then pointed out the door wanting your mother you were glad your father heard you but you wanted your mom "Myama" Said Ísmey Leon's eyed widened as he now realized who you both wanted your father ran out the room calling your mothers name as seconds later two pairs of footsteps could be heard running upstairs both your father and mother came in the room

"You sure she she said it" Your mama said going near the crib "Mamma" You cried out doing grubby motions as you wanted your mother his face was in shock as he picked you up your twin pouted she didn't want you to leave the crib "Mèimei" Ísmey waved her arms around wanting her sister as your parents eyes widened grabbing your sister hugging you two saying sweet things to you both

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