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Breaking Brielle

Chapter Fourteen

Not Edited

~ Brielle Clark's POV ~

I think I should have said no. Don't get me wrong, Jackson is a really nice and sweet guy but there is no spark. That's not me being shallow. I just don't get that feeling when I'm with him.

This was never something I was good at. Telling a guy that liked me that I didn't like them back. I always felt guilty. I should feel guilty right? I don't know. This seemed to always happen to me.

I was never able to fall for the guy I was supposed to. Than again, I've never actually fell in love. I've only ever had 2 relationships. Aaron Marcs in the 8th grade and Tyler Harding in 10th grade. I've been on a bunch of dates but they were the only 2 that asked me to be their girlfriend.

What did love actually feel like? Was it like the movies? Did your heart flutter? Did your body force you to smile when they laugh? Did you blush? Did they occupy your thoughts all the time? Did you get sad when you couldn't be with them?

Or did the movies lie to us? Maybe love wasn't anything like that. Maybe it was just finding someone who you could tolerate.

"Did you enjoy the movie?" Jackson grinned at me and grabbed my hand.

"Yeah" I lied. I actually didn't pay much attention because I was so distracted by why I couldn't have feelings for him.

"Good. I made reservations and Heidi's" He walked us over to his car.

"Heidi's?" I furrowed my eyebrows. I've never heard of that place.

"Yeah, it's a really nice Italian restaurant" He opened my door for me and I smiled at him while I got in.

"Thank you"

"No problem" He closed my door and walked around to get in the drivers seat.

"You look really pretty tonight" He complimented me.

"Thank you" I smiled down at my outfit. It was a simple white floral blouse and some black leggings.

"Just stating a fact" He winked and I laughed.

He put on some mainstream pop song before pulling out of the parking lot and driving down Eastview Boulevard.

I watched out the window as the first snow of the year peppered the ground. We weren't driving too fast so I could take in the beauty of Eastview at night. Most of the town was residential but the main roads always looked like a city street. With bright lights and tall buildings.

I loved living in a small town but I was a city girl at heart. So it made me feel like I was at home.

"What're you smiling about?" Jackson grinned and looked at me from the corner of his eyes.

"Just thinking about home" I smiled at him.

"New York?" He said slowly and I laughed.

"No, Chicago"

"Ahh I knew that" He laughed as he pulled into the parking lot of a very modern looking building. "Here we are"

He stopped me so he could open my door and lead me to the front doors.

"Reservation for Madden" He said to the hostess with a dazzling smile.

"Right this way" The woman blushed.

We followed her to our table and I frowned.

Shouldn't I be feeling jealous? I mean he was obviously staring at the woman. But I didn't care?

"Here are your menus. Can I get you guys something to drink?" She smiled, more towards Jackson.

"Lemon water for me and..." He looked at me.

"A pepsi" I said.

"You ordered a soda at this fancy of a restaurant?" He laughed.

"Don't judge me" I joked.

The rest of the date went on like that. Dumb jokes, awkward silences and the waitress flirting with Jackson. And Jackson not denying her.

At least I'm not rejecting a 100% stand up guy. Nobody can be perfect and I don't judge Jackson but at least I'm not going to be hurting him that bad. You know what I mean?

We are our food and left 10 minutes after we finished. It was a 35 minute drive back to my house and when we got there he walked me to my door.

Here we go...

"I had fun tonight" He smiled at me.

"Me too" I waited for him to say it...

"We should do this again" He grinned.

"Maybe" I smiled politely and kicked myself. Damn it. I chickened out.

He leaned in to give me a kiss and I forced myself to look away and his lips hit my cheek.

"Okay?" He laughed against my cheek before pulling away.

"I'm sorry!" I squeaked out. "You're a really great guy but-"

"But you don't want to date me" He sighed with a bittersweet smile on his face.

"I'm sorry. I feel like we would be better as friends" I smiled awkwardly.

"It's okay. No hard feelings" He scratched the back of his neck. "I guess I'll see you at school"

"See you at school" I rocked on my feet as he walked back to his car.

I waved as he drove off and walked into my house once he was out of sight. I leaned against my door and let out a sigh of relief.

"You. Rejected. Jackson. Fricking. Madden!" Faye yelled from the living room and I burst out laughing.

a u t h o r s n o t e

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