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Breaking Brielle

Chapter Nineteen

Not Edited

~ Brielle Clark's POV ~

The deadline for Matt and I's project was approaching very soon... okay maybe I'm exaggerating. It's due in April and right now it's February. I just like to finish my projects fast but Matt seems to never want to work on it. Half of the times we've met up to work on it, we end up getting side tracked.

"Come on. Stop distracting me" I laughed.

"I'm not doing anything" He laughed quietly.

"Just look at the camera and answer my questions. Please" I shook my head.

"Okay, okay"

"In your opinion, what’s the one thing that people always misunderstand about you?" I asked.

"People usually think I'm scary. Maybe I am to them? But I won't hurt anyone. I just like to be by myself" He answered and I nodded.

I asked a few simple questions that he gave short answers to but for one of the questions he got lost in explaining his answer and I got lost staring at him. He looked better than usual today. His hair was falling over his eyes like usual but the bags under his eyes were lighter. He was talking more and he's smiled more than usual today.

"Brielle? Are you listening?" He gave me a lop-sided grin.

"Mhm" I hummed.

"Mhm" He imitated me and I shook my head.

"What’s the one thing you would like to change about yourself?" I asked and he pulled his eyebrows together.

He looked adorable doing that.

Why did I just think that?

"I'd change how much I cared about what other people think about me" He said after a few minutes. "What's wrong?"

"What?" I asked.

"You look confused" He grinned.

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me" I laughed. "You've never smiled like that before"

"You stare at my smile?"

"Only because you rarely ever do it" I laughed. "If you are in a bad mood, do you prefer to be left alone or have someone to cheer you up?"

"I used to like to be left alone but ever since you showed up in my life, you're the only person that can cheer me up"

My heart sped up and my cheeks reddened when he said that. I made him feel better? He actually enjoyed my company?

"Aren't you sweet" I joked.

"Mhm" He grinned at me.

"If a genie granted you 3 wishes right now, what would you wish for?"

"Genies don't exist" He squinted at me.

"Humor me" I smiled at him.

"Well my first wish would be to be able to play football again" He scratched the back of his neck.

Why was my heart racing? It was just Matt... I've hung out with him dozens of times by now.

"My second wish would be to have a better relationship with my dad"

My heart clenched. He didn't deserve to be so broken...

"My third wish... what would my third wish be?" He mumbled and I watched him closely. "Oh I know"

"Oh yeah? What's your third wish?" I smiled at him.

"For you to come to the Sweetheart's dance with me"

I froze. Did he just ask me out? To the Sweetheart's dance? Does this mean he had feelings for me? Do I have feelings for him? I mean yeah, he's cute and funny. He makes me smile and now he makes my heart race when we're together and-

"Just as friends" He added. "It's your first Sweetheart's dance and I missed last years. I just thought you wouldn't want to go alone. Unless you have a date already" He said calmly.

I had feelings for him. I had feelings for Matthew Preston and he basically just friendzoned me.

"Sure! I don't have a date" I gave a faux smile.

Is this how Faye felt? I feel like crying.

"Awesome. Look, Brielle I got to go. Sage has a hockey game and I really need to be there. I'll text you later, okay?" He smiled.

"Oh yeah! That's okay! Have a good time!" I said and he made his way out of the diner.

I clicked the camera off and sat at the booth, lost in thought.

When did I catch feelings for Matthew?  I mean I've always found him attractive but who wouldn't? He was tall and lean. His hair was black and a little curly. His eyes were a deep, piercing blue that would make any girls heart stop.

Was his looks the reason I had feelings for him? No. I've seen countless of attractive guys and never have I felt like this.

Whenever he smiled my heart would speed up and whenever he laughed I had to smile. Whenever we were together, he made me happier than I would be with other people. He cared about me, my interests and my feelings.

"Are you okay Brielle? Matt left 15 minutes ago and you haven't moved an inch" Margaret came over and I looked up at her.

"I have feelings for him"

"What?" She asked.

"I have feelings for Matt"

"Oh my god! Yes Team Matthew!" She squealed.

"He asked me to the Sweetheart's dance" I sighed.

"Oh my-"

"As friends" I slammed my head on the table.

"Oh no" She gasped. "Why would he do that?"

"Because he's my friend" I groaned.

"I think he likes you" She said.

"Then why would he ask me to the dance as a friend?"

"I don't know Brielle"

I couldn't let my feelings ruin our friendship. I just couldn't. Who knows what would happen?

a u t h o r s   n o t e

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