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    kim byeongkwan. the name intrigued kim sehyoon as he stared at the selca on his instagram explore page. bright orange hair and plump cherry lips contrasted heavily to the boys pale skin. sehyoon didn't have the slightest clue who this man was, but he seemed to he famous, comment flooding in second by second.

donghunloveskwan: ethereal boy
byeongkwanschan: please come to my town! *****!
junhearts.kwannie: my son,,,
beatinteractive: ❤

sehyoon sighed as he sat up and ran a hand through his tangled black hair. he stood, stretching and letting himself soak up the small amount of sunlight of the early morning. it was currently 5 am and sehyoon was getting ready for his morning run. no one was up at this god awful hour so sehyoon didn't have to worry about people trying to talk to him and get his number. that always bothered him and made him uncomfortable.

    sehyoon couldn't talk to people. well, he could but it was extremely awkward. sehyoon had social anxiety and it made things so hard. he was always cancelling plans with donghun and yuchan because of it. people were slowly getting sick of him, he knew. he wasn't stupid or clueless. it was causing him to distance himself from everyone even more and he knew it pained both them and himself. sehyoon sighed and walked to the door, pulling on his usual running clothes, a plain adidas shirt and some black shorts, and his running shoes. he grabbed his phone, headphones, and house keys before exiting the house and stepping into the cool air of september. this part of the day was always his favourite. all thoughts leave his mind as he closes his eyes, breaths in the crisp air and starts to sprint down his street.

he shoved his earbuds into his ears. the one bad part about the morning: silence. the silence was almost too much for him sometimes. he needed something always going, something to keep him sane. he scrolled through his spotify, almost clicking on his regular 'running playlist' before something flashed through his mind. maybe he should check out that byeongkwan person that he had heard about earlier. he shrugged, deciding to just pick some music before he ran out of time to run. sehyoon clicked on his latest album and took one step to ready himself before jogging.

    damn, he should have brought a coat. it was september, after all. he could already hear junhee scolding him, his blonde hair bouncing as he exaggerated his movements and spoke with his hands flying everywhere, probably ending up slapping donghun in the face like he usually does. then yuchan would comfort donghun and junhee would apologise and they'd become a pile of mush. donghun, junhee, and yuchan were all in a relationship. sehyoon was simply the best friend to all of them. he always had been. he had know donghun for the longest though, and was closest to him.

    sehyoon slowly came to a stop from his jogging, pulling his phone out. he clicked donghuns contact, but then stopped mid press of the call button as he remembered donghun didn't wake up until 8. he decidedly clicked on junhee's contact because he was the one that sehyoon at least hoped wouldn't chop his head off for waking him up. donghun was not a morning person. none of them were. though yuchan was the worst. he stayed up extremely late and didn't give a single fuck if he was sleepy in the morning, but if you tried to talk to him before he has tea in the mornings he just growls and slaps you. sehyoon has first hand experience. he absentmindedly rubbed his cheek at the memory. the phone rang 3 times before a sleepy voice came in from the other line.

    "sehyoon?" junhee's hoarse voice croaked out. sehyoon smiled upon hearing his friends voice.
"hi junhee, sorry to bother you so early in the morning, but i had a question." he spoke softly, aware that the others were probably close by and wanted to be considerate to junhee's ears as well.
"yeah?" junhee urged him on.
"doesn't donghun listen to that solo artist named byeongkwan?" he heard junhee chuckle a little and raised an eyebrow. what's so funny?
"yea! we all do, actually. if you look through his Instagram you'll see us on like all of his posts. we've been with him since before he debuted."
"oh!" sehyoon exclaimed. "cool. you think i should start listening to him?" he heard the bed creak loudly and yuchan's sleepy voice on the line. terror filled his veins, but he relaxed some as he heard his voice, which surprisingly wasn't all incoherent growling. "listen to him. please. now let us fucking sleep." sehyoon laughed and said his goodbyes, hanging up the phone.

"well. let's give him a shot." he turned on the music and continued running. but he was cut short again. "fuck, he's good." he whispered into the chilly morning sky, the air carrying his words throughout the neighbourhood.

i changed personalities and added relationships! there is now a poly relationship between donghun, junhee, and yuchan. if you do not like this concept, i'll keep them dating but won't speak of the subject and will try to limit their interactions. how do you feel about the poly boys? and i have described sehyoon more in depth as i could. you get a glimpse of his sad side sometimes. he will be kind of angsty so! watch out!
his opinion of byeongkwan's music will be described next chapter! should i use someone's prewritten lyrics or should i write my own and convey specifically how i want byeongkwan to seem? he will still be a mixture of rap and vocals.

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