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    junhee smiled brightly when he saw the black haired boy. "sehyoon!" he called out, the other two turning around to greet him with smiles and waves. "didn't expect to see you here. how are you?" donghun said in a gentle voice, one that only sehyoon could hear. sehyoon breathed out sharply, contemplating. "been better, but good. i'm outside, aren't i?" donghun punched him in the stomach and ruffled his hair when he doubled over. sehyoon laughed through his groans, glad to not have pity but friends that can instantly bring up his terrible mood.

    sehyoon looked at everyone's clothing. they looked really good for only waking up an hour ago. yuchan was in his usual style, a soft pink turtleneck under some overalls, one of the straps undone. his pink converse were chipping, exposing that they had been white before he painted them. sehyoon smiled at the memory, he was there when he painted them.

    donghun was wearing a plain gray pullover, with a deep, red velvet scarf and gray ripped jeans to pull the look all together. his black doc martens could be heard tapping on the floor as he shuffled. he was excited to get his favourite drink, coffee. donghun almost coffee as much as yuchan loved yea.

    junhee really was the most fashionable of them all. he wore a pastel yellow shirt, tucked into..what did he call them..mom jeans? they were supported by a simple black belt, but somehow it just made the look 10× better. his red converse didn't really match the outfit, but he always wore those. no matter the outfit, be it a suit or anything formal, he always wears those converse.

    sehyoon suddenly felt self conscious. all he was wearing was a black hoodie over his black the killers shirt, black ripped jeans that clung to his thick thighs, and his old, dirty black converse. he cleared his throat and ran a hand through his messy hair. "i promise i just showered. oh, donghun, that's why i missed your call." donghun nodded understandingly. "guess your morning run lasted longer than intended?" sehyoon was about to explain when he smiled slightly, amusement - for once - clear in his face. "let's go inside and i'll tell you why."

    after they had ordered and sat down, sehyoon cleared his throat. "so, you guys listen to byeongkwan?" yuchan suddenly gasped excitedly, his drink almost spilling, causing junhee to grin and donghun to sigh. "you listen to byeongkwan now!?" he asked, eyes wide with hope and pureness. yuchan is almost never like this around them anymore, ever since he and donghun got into that fight about him being too loud. donghun was simply suggesting he should quiet down in some social situations, but yuchan took him advice completely. he was usually either quiet or angry now, and worst: both.

    sehyoon smiled at his enthusiasm. he nodded, but stopped and spoke. "well, only some. I think the album was called...blue on blue?" yuchan smiled again. "that's my favourite album! so, why do you ask?" he asked. sehyoon took a drink of his carmel frappe and breathed out slowly. "well, I saw him in my instagram feed, so I decided to listen to him while I was running. he's really good." his eyes flickered to donghun who was staring at him. he knew it triggered him. he remembered, didn't he? he remembered those nights he came crying to him about heejun, another one of donghun's best friends. sehyoon's ex. sehyoon avoided his gaze, shifting uncomfortably in his seat. he suddenly wanted to leave.

    yuchan nodded. "nice. next, you should listen to 'heartache on heartache'. it's the continuation album of the story from 'blue on blue'." he further explained. sehyoon nodded, making a noise of acknowledgment. "alright. well, after i finish my coffee i'm heading home. are...are you guys busy? i can get out my box set of lord of the rings! we haven't binged that in a while."

    junhee smiled apologetically as donghun and yuchan avoided sehyoon's face and reaction by staring at their feet or other people in the cafe. "sorry, sehyoon," junhee reached for his hand. sehyoon tensed. "we have stuff to do today. going shopping and then going to this amusement park/fair out of town." sehyoon pushed away the drowning feeling again. "sure, that's fine. i'll just watch it myself." junhee smiled yet again and stood. "text us, alright? see you later." sehyoon waved half-heartedly and looked back to his coffee. he sighed and tapped at the plastic cup, humming one of byeongkwan's songs as he softly murmured the lyrics. he downed the rest of it, ignoring the way it burned his throat. it just reminded him he was human. he stood and pushed in his chair, exiting the cafe and breathing in the cold air.

    but even though he loved the cold air, he just wanted to go home now.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2018 ⏰

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