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    the music filled sehyoon's ears, words sending shivers down his spine. his lyrics brought memories flooding back, both triggering him but comforting him. someone felt the same way? he plopped down on a curb, hugging his knees close to his chest as he closed his eyes and took in the lyrics.

roses were your favorite flower
and I couldn't stand the scent
but if it's what it takes to put a smile on your face
i guess I'll deal with it
you hung with the popular kids
and I couldn't stand them
but I sucked it up, because I wanted to be more than friends

you should walk away with me
in your heart
keep me in your mind
you don't have to speak
of our past, just
keep me in your life
keep me alive
keep me alive
keep me alive

    sehyoon bit his lip harshly, the cold air causing his hair to blow into his face. he angrily pushed it away, standing from the curb and starting to run home. his legs ached, his heart clenched, his chest felt tight. he just wanted to get home and do something to distract these thoughts. to get them out of his fucking head. as the first one finished, a new one came on. sehyoon scoffed and rolled his eyes, tears gathering at the corners of his eyes. he wiped them away and listened as the music started to play again.

oh, how the mighty have fallen
i used to never waste my time
now you're always on my mind
looks like my heart has been stolen
snuck in out of my life
like a thief in the night
we slowed down baby i
didn't think you'd walk right out now
you phased out of my life, like i was nothing

    sehyoon pulled his keys out of his pocket as he came to a stop in front of his door. he panted, his mouth open partially and eyes wide as he fell into the entryway. he threw his keys into the bowl and discarded his shoes, not caring about where they landed or his surroundings. he walked into his room and paused the music. he took a few deep breaths, trying to calm down his racing heart. fuck, byeongkwans lyrics really hit close to sehyoon's heart. sehyoon stripped his clothes off and ran a hot shower to clear his mind, and to clear the stench of the morning run off of himself. he started humming the first song he had listened to, the tone nice and smooth. byeongkwans voice was beautiful.

    and suddenly his phone was going off and sehyoon groaned. why couldn't he just have a moment to himself? to cry and let it out before he saw his friends and tried to keep himself from breaking down in front of them? he tried to hurry up his shower, lathering his body and hair and washing himself off, getting shampoo in his eye and yelping loudly. "fuck, that hurts!" he cursed and exited the shower with his left eye closed tightly. he dried off and pulled on some black sweats and a white tank top. he checked his phone when he walked bad over to his bed, hopping onto it as he saw he had a missed call from donghun and a text from all three of the boys.

    'want to hang out today?' they each read. sehyoon sighed, scratching the back of his neck. he considered turning them down, but decided..he would. he wanted to discuss byeongkwan. he wanted to ask them about him. this would not only allow him to get outside for once, but also discuss interests with his best friends and get closer. they would all feel better after this. sehyoon smiled hopefully, texting back junhee.

'of course. where?'

he got a reply almost instantly.

'really?? yay! cafe on marcus st?'

'sure. be there in 10 or 20.'

songs are keep me by khalid and victim of love by,,youngjae and all those other people. should byeongkwan message sehyoon next chapter or should they just talk about kwan?

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