chapter one• okay?

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Mackenzie POV
So today is the first day of sophomore year yay! can you hear that sarcasm??

I can, Like I'm not excited about it but at the same time I just want to go and finish school.

Today is just a normal day I woke up ,I took a shower got dressed, brush my teeth and I ate breakfast.

" Kenzie I gotta go, see you at school" my sister Maddie said.

I walked out and see Lauren my best friend.

"Laur..hey what's up?". Lauren gave me a sad face. " daad" she barely got out.

"Hey hey, Lauren your mom and dad what?".

"They are getting a divorce!".

I stood there. And just gave Lauren a Hug, I didn't ask why but right now she just needs a friend.

"Hey Lauren let's just go to School. Today is the first day, let's try to happy okay".

She gave me a nod. And we walk to school.

At school~~~~~

"Hey Annie!" I ran to hug her." Kenzie,lauren!", She basically scream. "Are y'all ready for the first day?".

"To be honest no". I said

Us girls talk and waiting for Jayden to come. While we are waiting,we are checking are classes. "Omg we kinda have all classes together yay!"Annie said.

We all laughed and saw Jayden. I ran towards her and hug her.

"Jay I miss u! How was texas?" I ask.

if you're wondering Jayden went to Texas for the entire summer. So we couldn't hang out.

She told us everything what happen in Texas. And we just gossip about our summer and also about Lauren parents.

"Wait and you don't know why" jayden ask.

Lauren looked up " well they been figthing about his job. It started one month ago. My dad got home late form work and he was messy. His shirt was unbutton and he smell like perfume. Me and Johnny were watching tv and Mom and him went outside and just yelled. Dad didn't come home for 3 days. And when he came back, everyday they been arguing. Finally mom and dad called all of the kids down stairs and told us they are getting a divorce".

All of us shocked

"Aww Lauren don't worry". I said

"How? I bet dad was cheating on mom! Who does that!? You are married and suppose to take care of her and the children." Lauren snap

She cried and us girl just huged her.

" Hey um sorry but can I have Lauren for a second"Johnny ask.

We all nod and saw them walk away.


We got up and went to first period.

Skip lunch~~~~

Aghhh all day boys been asking me out! Like um no I only have eyes for only one.

And who can that be...well that's a secret.

"Hey girls and boys"John said.

We all said hi back

" so guys I'm having a party on Friday and of y'all are invite". Carson said smiling


Yeah Carson is really popular. And you know he loves having parties.

"Kenzie yes Already" he laughed.

I got a tab on my shoulder and a radom boy stood in front of me.

"Do you know what my shirt is made of?"

I just look at him

"Boyfriend material."he told me

"Umm sorry but I'm not ready to date"

He looked sad and walked away. And I saw Johnny and he looked so mad. Why should he?

"Hahaha kenz that actually was a good one"Carson said

I have to admit, it was a good one. Just I don't want him, I want someone else but he friend zoned me..oh Wait I just gave you a hint oops.

"Man I wish a guy told me that" Lauren said

"Do you know what my shirt is made of? Boyfriend material." Hayden says while laughing.

"Haha hayden" I said

"Hey! That's not funny"

"You wanted a boy to tell u that. Well I'm a boy and I'm telling you that so u got what you wanted"hayden laughs.

" is true laur, you did ask that" jayden told her.

"Not like that!" She said blushing

Oh wait Lauren blushing..

"John you been quiet, what's wrong?"

He looked at me and stood up. "Nothing I gotta go" and just leaved.


What's that all about. He seem so mad when that boy came.

All day I been wondering why he got so mad. And I will probably never find out. I just wish he can tell me like old times...ohh How I miss those times.

Author note~~~~~~
That was the first chapter!! Whoooo I hope y'all enjoy this. It was actually do fun to make ahahha. Anyways is 11:11 pm and I have school tomorrow but like I'm really having fun making this. But bye🖐 I'm going to work on chapter two!

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