Chapter Seven - Late for Class

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Multiple  POV's here, try to keep up! 😊

Ginny POV:
Professor McGonagall shooed us all off after handing out our schedules for the year and I grabbed my bag to quickly head off after Harry who had left as soon as a schedule landed in front of him. He had been in a particularly sissy mood since the ferret had made his cheeky yet true remark. It's not that I was siding with the ferret, I hoped Harry knew I would stick by him through almost anything. But he had a tendency to be a little overdramatic sometimes. And other times he seemed to have a skull as thick as Ron's.

At the end of the day, I did somewhat agree with the ferret. I felt a little taken for granted by Harry sometimes. Like I was just a guaranteed dick-lubricant when the cogs weren't turning too well. He never wooed me or showed me off to anyone. There were no grand gestures. No romantic dates. We never did things that the muggle girls gushed about in the movies and after seeing the way Hermione absolutely lit up talking about the ferret this morning, it installed in me a lust for my own intimacy and affection from MY chosen one. I know I'm quite strong willed and independent but every girl needs a little dose of undivided attention every now and then. Even if we are capable of hexing you till the hippogriffs came home.

I don't know I guess maybe deep down I did side with the ferret a little. Stupid fucking ferret. But he was right. If Harry pulled his wand out of his ass and paid more attention to me like he did when we first got together, we'd still be fucking like rabbits everyday and now the threat of my brothers walking in on us had evaporated completely, well I don't know but it seemed like wasted opportunities to me.

I exited the Great Hall and hung a left heading to the Transfiguration Corridor. WHAM! I was snatched round the waist and pulled into the wall, which actually was a hidden passageway that I used to use as a shortcut to lunch when I was in my second year and I had completely forgotten about it until now.

It was pitch black down this passageway. At first, I panicked I thrust my elbow down hard. An 'oof' sound was let out and I was released from the death grip this large arm had around my tiny waist. Iwhipped out my wand.

"Stupefy!" I yelled.

"Whoa! Fuck, Lumos!" Harry shouted urgently. "Ginny! It's me!!!"

I dropped my wand and cupped my hand over my face as a shocked Harry came in to view.

"Seriously? Stupefy? Who the hell did you think it was?" He said bewildered. He wore a mixture of rage, shock and maybe even a little bit of arousal on his face. I decided to try my luck with the arousal.

"Someone who shouldn't have been touching my waist. That's for my boyfriend and his hands only." I said giving him a dark seductive look.

His eyes darkened in response and he approached me slowly like a lion stalking it's prey. Bingo. He walked up to me as I backed up against the wall. I had nowhere to go. He put his left hand up against the wall right beside my face and with his right hand resting gently on my hip, he squeezed it before he thrust my back up against the wall vigorously.  I let him have control for a minute as I sucked in a breath quickly. He leaned in, putting his face right up close to mine, our lips barely touching. Now began the tease.

"Better watch yourself Potter, my boyfriend's lurking around here somewhere. If he sees us, he'll flip." I teased.

"Then we'd better be quiet then huh Gin- I mean- Weasley." He stuttered.

Instant turn off. I rolled my eyes as the intensity dropped instantly and I let out a huge frustrated sigh. I pushed him away and started searching for my wand.

"Oh fuck sakes Ginny! I'm sorry okay? I'm not really into the whole role-play thing you know that. This is your game." He said sighing.

"Come on we'd better get to class." I responded picking up my wand.

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