Chapter Thirty-Seven - Camp Training With Bordeaux

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Hermione POV:

"Wooh!" Ginny said, plonking herself down on a patch of grass next to me. "That heat is a killer huh Mines?"

"This whole course is a killer!" I replied looking up at the monstrosity of ropes, platforms, bars and poles that formed the obstacle course we were meant to go through.

It was the size of a whole muggle football field and just as tall as the Quidditch hoops back at Hogwarts with all kinds of heights in between.

We were expected to complete the entire course in under five minutes. Excellence endorsements were given out to those who completed it in under three.

It was 11:30am and the sun was scorching. We had been out here training since five this morning for the assessment later in the week.

"Where are the boys?" Ginny asked sipping a large bottle of cold water. Her flushed face was almost as red as her hair.

"Perfecting their disintegrating charms." I said. "They'll be standing in a sandpit soon."

We towelled off the dripping sweat and left the course for a light lunch at the cafeteria area nearby.

Blaise, Theo and Pansy joined us soon after.

I looked for Draco. I saw him outside the window hurling furniture and blocking imaginary spells as he ran, rolled, tumbled and jumped through obstacles in his way.

Wow. I thought. He'd have given Harry, Ron and I a run for our money during the horcrux hunt. In another life, Draco Malfoy would've been the perfect Auror. That is still an option. I told myself. Draco seemed to think that the ministry would never let an ex-deatheater become an Auror but I disagreed. Once people knew Draco's real self, they'd see he was just as good natured as The Golden Trio, The Order of the Phoenix and yes even the Ministry Aurors. After all, look at Harry. Prime example. We are all capable of good and evil.

He looked through the window and saw me staring. He smirked and peeled off his wet shirt exposing his rock hard abs, pumped arms and pulsing neck veins. He screwed it into a ball and flung it at the window.

"Excuse me everyone may I have your attention please?" A voice rang out across the room. An athletic looking wizard in clothes that resembled a fancy wetsuit stood before us. He looked like he was in his early to mid forties but he looked very capable. This was Orion Harlett. He was the head trainer here at the training camp. We had been introduced to him earlier this morning.

"This mornings session has allowed you to work on areas you feel you need improvement on in yourself however after lunch things will change a little in the schedule." He looked around as a topless Draco siddled into place beside me. "I have with me a group of trainers gathered using the most exquisitely trained, precise Aurors and Agents from across the globe. They will be your guide during the upcoming sessions. You will first work one on one with a trainer each then we will do some group work after that. When you have completed this, we will do a whole run through of the entire course with you, the Hogwarts students playing Aurors and the trainers as your targets. If we have time, we may switch roles. You must work together, communicating effectively to capture all targets within the specified time limit." I looked around the room. Every face was lit with excitement and determination. Orion chuckled at the looks on people's faces. "I will stress this thoroughly, WORK TOGETHER."

The cafeteria door opened and about thirty witches and wizards from pixie looking females to brawny giant men came strolling in, all wearing the same navy blue and black nylon suits that Orion wore.

At the front of the posse I saw a familiar face. Estelle Bordeaux. The Minister for Magic's right hand guard. She bounced around on her heels as Orion spoke again.

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